Some signs to find out if you are wearing the wrong glasses !!!

Wearing glasses or contact lenses corrects refractive errors and clarifies your vision. But if you have the wrong prescription, it will not be possible, it will do more harm than good. Wearing the wrong prescription glasses for a long time can cause eye strain. The result is itchy or irritated eyes or sores around it.

Refractive errors can be caused by problems with the shape of the cornea, lens or eye. When your eye bends at the retina and is unable to focus light properly, your vision becomes blurred, or doubled. The main types of refractive errors are myopia (myopia), hyperopia (farsightedness), presbyopia (loss of vision due to age), and astigmatism (blurred vision as a result of a misaligned cornea).

If the ophthalmologist and optologist make a mistake while taking your eye measurements, you may be wearing the wrong prescription glasses. So, the next time you get your glasses or contact lenses, pay attention to how your eyes feel and how well you can see. Here are some signs that you may be wearing the wrong glasses.

1. Headache:

Headache is a common symptom of misdiagnosis. If you have frequent headaches after a few days of starting to wear new prescriptions, but it suddenly disappears when you remove the glasses or contact lenses, your glasses need to be repaired.

2. Vertigo:

Although vertigo is often associated with inner ear problems, vision can also be blurred due to misaligned glasses.

Vertigo is a feeling of balance when standing or sitting. This requires constant medical attention. It can also affect your deepest sense - the ability to see things in three dimensions (including length, width and depth), and the ability to determine how far an object is - at the risk of injuring yourself.

3. Blurred vision:

If you notice that your vision is blurred and the problem persists for more than two weeks after receiving the new glasses, re-evaluate your prescriptions with your doctor. As your eyes adjust to new lenses, it is normal to experience blurred vision for the first few days after wearing the new prescription. But prolonged vision with blurred vision vertigo or headache may be a sign of misdiagnosis. Visit your eye doctor again. Even the slightest miscalculation can lead to these problems.

Symptoms due to incorrect prescription:

* Pain around the eyes

* Itching or irritation of the eyes

* Dry eyes

* Sore neck, shoulders or back

* Trouble concentrating.

* Fatigue

When there is discomfort in the eyes, refractive errors do not progress as fast as many people think. In children, however, this can worsen unrepaired or poorly corrected refractive errors.

You may want to consider training your eyes with home remedies or vision therapy to correct your refractive error permanently.

Note: Fortunately, wearing glasses with the wrong medication does not cause long-term side effects. Your vision will not deteriorate or your eyes will not be damaged in any way. However, wearing the wrong glasses can progress myopia faster in children.

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