Learn How To Remove This Burning Fire Wound

When working in the kitchen, women often suffer from burns due to distraction. Burning fire injury is so fast that it is unbearable. Women, on the other hand, often use ice cubes or toothpaste, adding cold water, but all of these actions relieve irritation at that point, but the burns are always permanent. This is a home remedy.

1. Place the potato or potato peel on the burnt area as it will remove the burning sensation and cool down. There will be no sign.

2. Rubbing black sesame seeds on the burning area will remove the irritation and stains.

3.Applying turmeric water immediately on the burning area will reduce the pain and give no sign.

4. After burning, immediately pour cold water over it so that blisters do not form.

5. Applying the extract of basil leaves on the burnt area reduces the stain spots.

6. After burning dill in fire, grind it in water and apply it on the burns to prevent blisters. Meanwhile, the scars will disappear.

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