Weight training program for slim people

The bulking program for skinny people has recommendations on bulking diet and bulking exercises. This bodybuilding and diet program will be associated with weight gain of half a kilo per week. Ectomorphs (characterized by thin people who lack enough fat and muscle fiber) believe that it is very difficult for them to increase volume due to their different genetics. But most of the time they don't have enough food, they have a lot of activity and little rest. In fact, it is as simple as that. Are you tired of not making progress? You can increase your body volume by using this three-day bodybuilding program for thin people.

Bulking for skinny people

Now that you have decided to gain weight, you do not have a difficult task ahead of you. In this volume increase program, it is necessary to follow some basic principles. These things will help you get the desired result from the resources and energy you put in in the shortest possible time.

Increase in food volume

One of the important points in the bodybuilding program to increase volume for thin people is to increase the volume of food. Try to consume approximately two grams of protein per kilogram of your body weight daily. So if your weight is 81, it is necessary to use 180 grams of protein daily. Do not neglect carbohydrates such as potatoes, rice, and oats, and add high-calorie snacks such as nuts, seeds, and other sources of good fats to your diet.

If you don't have enough time or energy to prepare these foods, just use more food than usual daily. Weigh yourself once a week, usually first thing in the morning after having a bowel movement and before eating breakfast. You should be gaining half a kilo every week (otherwise, you're not eating enough).

Exercise better, not harder

You can strengthen your muscles by doing some exercises and it is necessary to use heavy weights. Because heavy weights lead to the activation of more muscle fibers. The exercises that we will mention in the bodybuilding program article for slim people are four times a week. Note that these exercises are not easy. If you are one of those people who are used to short-term training or bodybuilding and can train each muscle separately, this bodybuilding program for skinny people is very suitable for you.


Eight hours of sleep a day is necessary for the normal functioning of the release of hormones. Bruno believes that taking a nap during the afternoon can also boost the results many times. Among the volume increasing exercises for thin people, you can also benefit from massage and increase blood flow. Make these items a part of your training process and strengthen recovery.

Take notes

The main goal of this volume bodybuilding program is to increase your strength. Therefore, it is necessary to write down the numbers. Try to increase the weight or number of repetitions a little each week. At the same time as the strength increases, the muscle volume will also increase.

Exercises in the bodybuilding program to increase volume for thin people


Frequency: Do each exercise (first, second and third day) once a week and rest for one day after each exercise session.

Required time: 60 minutes

How to do it: Complete all sets of one exercise before starting the next.

In this volume increase program for thin people, after one month, you should have added 7 to 10 kg to the squat and deadlift weight and 5 to 7 kg to the bench press weight. Also, your body weight should increase by one and a half to two kilograms. If your weight gain has not been to this extent, it is necessary to increase the calories in your diet.

Weight training program for slim people - day one

1 - Deadlift: 5 sets, 5 repetitions

Deadlift is a bodybuilding program to increase volume for thin people

While standing, spread your legs as wide as your waist. Bend over and grab the bar so that your hands are out of line with your knees. Keep your back bent and put pressure on the ground with your heel. Slowly raise the weight in line with your legs. In each set, increase the amount of weight and in the fourth set, the maximum number of repetitions should be five. Do not do this exercise to the point of exhaustion.

2 - Bar fix: 4 sets, 5 repetitions

In this exercise from the program to increase the volume of skinny people, it is enough to hang from a Bar fix bar and try to pull your chin higher than the bar, and during the exercise, your hands should be shoulder width apart. If you can easily do three out of five sets with your own body weight, increase the weight slightly by using a belt.

3 - Dumbbell Floor Press: 4 sets, 8 repetitions

Lie on the floor and hold a dumbbell in each hand and place the weights in front of your chest. Your palms should be facing you and gradually lower the weights so that your triceps touch the floor. Pause for a moment and then raise the dumbbells again.

4 - Reverse rise with dumbbells: 3 sets, 8 repetitions

Grab the handles of the ab wheel and kneel on the floor behind it. Keep the lower torso straight and gradually bend forward. Then return to the previous state.

Bodybuilding program for increasing volume for thin people - second day

1 - Bulgarian squat: 4 sets, 8 repetitions

Hold a heavy dumbbell at chest height or hold two dumbbells at your sides.

2 - Chest press: 4 sets, 5 repetitions

Hold the bar with your hands and keep your hands slightly wider than shoulder width apart. Bring your shoulder blades together and bend your back. Take the bar and lower it to the chest and then press the ground with your feet and lift the weight.

3 - Dumbbell stretching: 4 sets, number of repetitions: 6, 6, 6, 20 (each side)

Do three sets of six reps and then decrease the weight by 20% and then do one set of 20 reps.

4 - Lateral plank outside the bench: 3 sets, number of repetitions: hold for 20 seconds (each side)

Lateral plank off the bench bulking program for lean people

Lie on your side next to a bench and keep your feet still under a heavy object. Only your pelvis should be supported by the bench.

Weight training program for slim people - day three

1 - Front squat: 4 sets, 5 reps

Set a bar at shoulder height. With your hands shoulder-width apart, grab the bar and raise your wrists in front of the bar until your upper arms are level with the floor. Hold the bar and let the bar rest on your sternum and your toes. Do squats without disturbing your body composition and bending your back.

2 - Reverse stretching: 4 sets, 8 repetitions

In this bulking program for skinny people, place a bar at hip height. Lie under it and spread your hands shoulder width apart and grab it. Contract your shoulder blades and pull yourself up until your sternum touches the bar.

3 - Pushing on the hips with one leg: 4 sets, 8 repetitions (each side)

Place your upper torso on one side of the bench and sit on the floor. Extend one leg and place the other leg near your hip. Bring your feet close to the ground and push your hips so that your body is parallel to the ground.

4 - Swedish swimming: 3 sets, number of repetitions: as many as possible

He sits sideways behind the cable machine and opens his hands a little more than shoulder width apart and grabs the bar. 


The bulking program for skinny people consists of a diet plan for skinny people and a weight training program. If you are among this group of thin people, you need to have a special diet plan, proper rest and sleep, and proper exercises. With these key points and the exercises described above, you will be able to reach your ideal weight by gaining half a kilogram a week.

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