Hand and foot care will be in 6 packs of aloe vera!


Many of us have black and dull hands and feet compared to other parts of the body. As some parts of the hands and feet are exposed, they come in contact with the sun more. Moreover, we do not take care of the face in the same way as we take care of the hands and feet. As a result, the face is fair and the hands and feet are black, uneven and dull. For this reason, many people wear long-sleeved clothes and shoes so that their hands and feet are not visible. Again, in the winter, many of us do not only take care of the face by applying moisturizer. But I forgot to take care of my hands and feet. So due to lack of proper care, our ankles get cracked, our hands become dry and rough, which spoils your beauty.

If we take care of our hands and feet properly, our hands and feet can become fair and bright. That's why we don't have to go to the parlor and take care of our hands and feet. We can easily take care of our hands and feet by using aloe vera at home. Let's see why aloe vera is beneficial and how we can take care of hands and feet with aloe vera.

How to take care of hands and feet Aloe Vera

Why is aloe Vera beneficial?


A pair of herbal remedies for aloe vera or aloe vera. Aloe vera contains vitamins A, C, and E. There are also minerals, sugars, amino acids, lignin, salicylic acid and various beneficial enzymes. Which act as anti-oxidants. Aloe vera also has anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and cleansing properties. Due to which it is especially beneficial for skin problems. Aloe vera skin moisturizer retains moisture in the hands and feet and helps to keep the skin of the hands and feet bright. We can plant aloe vera in the tub at home.

Let's find out how we can take care of our hands and feet using aloe vera.

6 packs of  Aloe Vera to take care of hands and feet

1) Aloe Vera gel

Cut aloe vera leaves in the middle with a knife, take out the gel and apply it on the hands and feet for 30 minutes. This gel helps us get back the original skin tone of our hands and feet. Aloe vera is also very useful in the problem of cracked feet. Applying aloe vera gel lightly on the hands and feet and sleeping at night enhances the beauty of the hands and feet. Even if you apply aloe vera gel heavily on the ankles before going to bed on a winter night, then when it is dry, wash your feet thoroughly in lukewarm water and put on socks. This will keep the ankles soft and reduce foot fractures.

2) Aloe Vera scrub


Mixing sugar with aloe vera gel and rubbing it on hands and feet removes dead skin cells and makes the skin of hands and feet smooth.

3) Aloe Vera, turmeric and honey mask

In a bowl, mix 1 teaspoon of aloe vera gel with honey and a pinch of turmeric powder to make a paste and apply on hands and feet. After 20 minutes, wash your hands and feet thoroughly with lukewarm water. Using this mask 15 days a week will make your hands and feet bright and fair.

4) Use of lemon juice with aloe Vera

Blend in a blender and mix in whole lemon juice. Apply this mixture on hands and feet every day for 15 minutes and wash off. You can use the mixture in the fridge for up to a week. This mask removes sunburn.

5) Multani soil and aloe Vera

Make a paste by mixing aloe vera gel, some amount of multani soil, half a lemon juice and 2 teaspoons of honey and apply it on hands and feet. Rinse after 15 minutes. It also brightens the skin of the hands and feet.

6) Aloe Vera, raw tomatoes and lentils


Make a mask by mixing aloe vera gel with lentil paste and take a peel in the middle of a raw tomato and apply it on the hands and feet and leave it for 15/20 minutes. Then wash your hands and feet thoroughly with cold water. Using this mask, the skin of the hands and feet is tighter and brighter.

6) Cucumber paste, tokadai and aloe Vera pack

Mix cucumber paste with aloe vera gel, make a paste by mixing 2 teaspoons of sour curd and 2 teaspoons of honey and apply it on hands and feet. Then wash off after 20 minutes. This method also makes the skin of hands and feet bright and soft.

7) Rose water and aloe Vera pack

Mix a little raw milk, a little honey, a little turmeric powder and a little rose water with aloe vera gel to make a paste and apply on hands and feet and wash off after 15 minutes. You will get the fruit in hand. Very quickly your hands and feet will be soft and bright!

In conclusion, the qualities of aloe vera are not worth writing about. With regular use, your dull, uneven hands and feet will become smooth, bright and spotless. But now make yourself more attractive and beautiful skin sitting at home!

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