Relationship between beauty, happiness and health

The goal of treatment is to enhance the original strength of the body from the connection between the skin, mind and body, and to harmonize and improve the entire skin, mind and body.

This time, I will explain our message that "skin, mind and body are connected".

The relationship between beauty and happiness

Many women understand that "beauty" and "happiness" are linked to each other.

For example, the brain is stressed in situations such as feeling unwell, unable to afford, or feeling happy. As a result, hormonal imbalance and weakened immunity are likely to occur, and the skin and body feel unwell. In addition, anxiety and dissatisfaction make the facial expression steeper, and the person becomes more and more distant from happiness.

On the other hand, for those who feel happy and those who are satisfied with their feelings, the margin appears in their facial expressions. If your skin is in good condition and your makeup is good, you will feel happy, which will lead to "beauty".

Relationship between beauty and health

In oriental medicine, there is an idea that "beyond health, there is true beauty." This is called "Kenbi Mutual Root", which means that beauty is based on health, and is based on the idea that health and beauty are deeply connected to each other.

For example, if you are not feeling well, you may have acne, or if you are not sleeping well and your life is disturbed, you may have experienced dull skin or poor skin condition. In other words, "beauty is built on a healthy body."

In addition, there is the word "Shinshin Ichinyo" in the basic idea of ​​"Oriental medicine". "Ichiyo" means that there is only one truth, "Ichi" means Fuji, and "Nyo" means unchanging. This means that the mind and body are not separated and are recognized as one.

As the word "disease is from the mind", you can see that a healthy "mind" creates a healthy "body" and a healthy "body" creates "beauty". ..

You can create beauty, happiness, and health yourself

As we get older, "the person's life" appears on the skin and facial expressions. As you get older, you can't say that your skin is as clean as you were when you were young. Your lifestyle will be reflected in your skin and facial expressions, such as whether you are taking good care of your skin and whether you are happy every day.

Similarly, with each passing year, "happiness" gains wisdom, gains experience, and allows you to create happiness yourself. You will be able to feel happiness and find happiness from trivial matters, and as you get older, you will understand that "beauty" and "happiness" are something that you create yourself.

Maintaining beauty and health is the same as growing flowers. Of course, they look different, but they have the same growth process and mindset.

To grow flowers, first plant seeds. Just planting seeds will not open the flowers. It grows big by giving water, sunlight and nutrients every day. This series of steps is consistent with beauty and health. "Moisturizing," "sleeping," "exercising," and "meal" are indispensable there.

Aiming for beauty

Having a goal is very important for "beauty" and "happiness". Having a goal means envisioning the future and trying to get closer to it. The facial expressions of people who have bright and positive feelings and those who have aspirations are lively and "beautiful".

In a past survey of cosmetics companies, when we asked 600 women about the "relationship between beauty and goal achievement," about 75% said that "being beautiful makes it easier to achieve your wishes and goals." By the way, the majority of people mention "beauty of the skin" and "beauty of the inside" as beauty.

In this way, the skin, mind and body are inseparable, and "beauty" and "mind" influence each other. The synergistic effect of approaching from both the mind and body with the goal of "beauty" makes it easier to realize "beauty" and "happiness".

This relationship between beauty, health, and happiness has been proven in brain science. When you see or touch something "beautiful," a neurotransmitter called "dopamine" is secreted in your brain. This substance is a hormone that enhances aspirations, concentration, motivation to live positively, and happiness. In addition, it is known that "serotonin", a "happiness hormone", is also secreted, which enhances the feeling of happiness.

Beauty makes relationships better

Similarly, in a past survey of cosmetics companies, in the question "Psychological effects obtained when you become more beautiful than you are now", following the first place "I feel confident in myself", "I can relax my feelings". "I can feel kind to others" and "I feel happy" are in second place at the same rate.

In other words, about half of the women say that being beautiful gives them a psychological margin in their relationships with those around them.

Furthermore, in response to the question, "What kind of behavioral changes will be brought about when it becomes more beautiful than it is now?",It is known that "I can be kind to my family" is 1.76 times, and "I can be kind to friends and other people around me" is 1.68 times.

It is possible that women can improve their relationships by enhancing their beauty.

The balance of skin, mind and body is the condition of beauty

In modern society, stress causes imbalances in autonomic nerves and female hormones, weakens immune function, and makes it easier for the skin, mind, and body to shake. In particular, women are susceptible to stress on their brains, so daily self-care and mental care are important.

Even a single small stain can be depressing, and if you are mentally depressed, you will not be willing to take care of various things, and you will not be able to be positive about work or romance.

In addition, proper self-care is indispensable considering that aging progresses with age and mental balance is lost and a negative spiral is entered. In addition to skin care, multifaceted care such as sleep, diet, and mental balance will balance the skin, mind, and body, leading to beauty.

Our stress basically doesn't go away, so we have no choice but to deal with it well. Face stress, relax both physically and mentally, take proper self-care, and find a solution that suits you. I hope I can help you keep doing that happily.

The value that Beauty Acupuncture Hariny wants to provide is to bring out the original beauty of the customer. Based on the theory of oriental medicine, we grasp the whole from the connection of skin, mind and body, use meridians and acupuncture points suitable for busy modern people, enhance the power that the body originally has, and create your own beauty that shines from the inside. Pull out.

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