Top 10 Baby Foods You Should Give Your Child

As a new parent, you always want the best for your child. But when it comes to food, there is nothing really good for all children. The word 'best' may be closer to what is most appropriate for your child's endurance. A fitting word.

However, foods should be appropriate for the age of the baby. Experts advise that you should not introduce solid foods to your baby before he is four months old. From then on, semi-solid foods should be gradually added to their diet.

You should not reject any food item completely unless the child has a proven and proven allergy to it, because this is the time when their eating habits will start to develop and develop for the rest of their lives. Have a meeting. Occasionally sit behind them and notice what they naturally choose. Babies also have their own tastes.

The best food for children

With the above in mind, we've compiled a list of 10 food ingredients that you can add to your breastfeeding list. These are based on expert recommendations. They ensure the best nutrition in a variety of foods, and all of them are, in a word, 'excellent'. 'Impeccable'. Let's read a little about those 'excellent'.

1) Easy to make

2) Easy to eat

3) Easy to pocket too

But don't add everything at once to your golden plate. Take one step at a time for your little one. Allow 3 days between starting another new food item to see if the child has an allergic reaction to the food. .

You should check with your pediatrician to add additional guidelines about the best foods to meet the optimal health needs of your 6-month-old baby.

1. Breast milk

It is a food that provides almost all aspects of a child's nutrition in the first year of life. It is also essential for their development. The baby needs to start feeding the best foods from this time on for brain development and weight gain.

1) Only breast milk for the first six months

2) Then continue to replenish liquid, semi-solid, hard or hard foods with breast milk until you are 12 months old or, if possible, longer.

2. Avocado

What could be his first ideal ‘green’ food for your naughty baby? Avocados, because they are better than any other fruit or vegetable in fat (monounsaturated) and very high in protein.

1) Its high fat content keeps the baby full for several hours.

2) They do not need to be cooked.

3. Iron-rich cereals

Obviously, babies are born with iron stored in their body which starts to be depleted from the age of 6 months. Therefore, iron rich foods should be started from this time. On top of this, breast milk is also low in iron. Like any grain-rich grain crop can fill all these deficiencies. You can choose any one of them for starters. Some people recommend rice again for use because apparently, they usually do not cause any allergies.

4. Red meat or red meat

Red meat is a source of protein, iron, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B-6, and zinc. Iron obtained from plant sources cannot be easily digested.

Red meat should be cooked very well, crushed or crushed and mixed well with breast milk or vegetable pulp so that children can easily eat and digest it. But be sure to remove any small bone fragments from the puree. You can also buy ordinary meat puree.

5. Broccoli

As the baby passes through the spoon-feeding stage, the broccoli flowers fit snugly on the baby's little fingers. Boil them to make them soft and manageable. It also removes half of the vitamins. carotene, folic acid, iron, potassium and fiber. Some children may not like the taste of broccoli again. To make it more interesting. Mix it with any sweet vegetables like carrots and sweet potatoes.

Boil it and cool it more after cooling it down. However, if the baby has a tendency to catch cold easily or if the weather is usually cold, do not serve anything that keeps the baby very cold.


contain Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Calcium, Potassium, Magnesium and Folic Acid. Used as a puree or juice.
Beets contain nitrates which are not suitable for infants before 6 months as they can cause anemia. The best time to start infants is 8-10 months.

7.Sweet potatoes

The taste of some vegetables for children is often dismissed. And if you start your little vegetable journey with them, there may be some obstacles. Instead, you can start with more natural food ingredients that taste more delicious like sweet potatoes. These are potassium, Provides vitamin C and fiber. It also contains beta carotene and an antioxidant that strengthens the body against certain types of cancer. Squeeze it well to make the baby's first 'vegetable' a memorable gift.


This is a food that brings a gleam of a toothless smile to a child's playful face.
Sources of energy because they are rich in carbohydrates.
It is made up of ingredients that aid digestion and soften stools, as they are full of fiber.
These are again considered to be the best among the foods that help children gain weight from 6-9 months of age.

When they are fully cooked, serve the baby as soon as they are well chopped. For relatively older children, bananas can be served with their finger food or snacks as a snack.

9. Prunes

Prunes, which you may know as dried plums, may be appealing to children because they are so soft and sweet. The good thing is that they contain a lot of fiber which acts as a natural remedy for constipation. - You can serve bananas as a puree or by mixing it with oatmeal, whole grains or apples.

10. Carrots

Carrots protect your child's eyes with their fullness because they contain an abundance of beta-carotene which is converted into vitamin A in the body which is essential for a healthy eyesight. Beta-carotene is also an antioxidant that makes carrots orange.
Due to the natural sweetness of carrots, it is also considered as the first vegetable to be given to children. Carrots should be boiled well until they become very soft. Then you can either make puree with them or cut them into cubes and serve them only as carrot finger food. Be sure to let the whole boiled carrot cool down to the very inside before serving your gold.
Be aware that there is no specific set or rule of diet that can make a child extremely strong and strong. These are all experiments and discoveries on how to prepare foods that can be tolerated based on your child's age.


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