How to maintain a healthy lifestyle at home

The coronavirus spread to the planet a few months ago and has changed the lives of each of us ever since.

It all started a few months ago, in December 2019, in the city of Wuhan, China, when locals discovered a hitherto unknown virus.

The new coronavirus has finally reached Europe, and Georgia is no exception - 54 are currently infected in the country, and up to 3,000 people remain in self-isolation or quarantine.

Due to the state of emergency, there is a strong recommendation that unless there is an urgent need, do not go outside.

In this article, we will try to give you topical and useful tips on how to maintain a healthy lifestyle at home. 

fresh air

Even at home it is essential to breathe fresh air. Ventilate the house often or hang out on the balcony to drink warm tea.

Enough light

Spending a lot of time in the same space is already depressing. Therefore, make sure that enough light enters the house through the windows. Turn on the light if necessary.


Most likely we will not be able to expend as much energy as possible which can lead to less fatigue and consequently disturbed sleep patterns.

Make sure your biological clock does not change dramatically.

Healthy eating and exercise

It is also important to have a healthy diet - eat fruits and vegetables often. It will be very difficult for you to switch to canned food and pasta only during this period.

In addition to eating, it is desirable to perform various invigorating exercises daily. On the internet you will often find offers from professional trainers about online training.

Work remotely

Take time to work too. In many professions it is not necessary to sit in the office to realize oneself.

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