How to exercise in the morning?

                                      Reinforcement downwards with proper form

morning exercise gives you hamstrings a workout, as well as your lower back and abs. This is a great exercise that will strengthen your lower back, making it more flexible, but only if done correctly. Good morning training is a solitude training using a stretch movement and it is for those with an intermediate level of training and experience.

Equipment required

Exercise works best with a barbell, sometimes not with dumbbells as you can see. Start with light weights or plain barbells and add weight as you progress. Fixed shoes and knots are recommended.

Target the muscles

Hamstrings are the primary target, with the adductor magnus as the gluteus maximus and joint coordinators and stabilizes the erector spinae. 

Precautions for Good Morning

Good morning exercise requires intense attention to set to prevent your lower back injury. Proper form and execution are essential in any workout for weight training, but getting your lower back injured especially when done incorrectly or with excess weight.

Be very careful of your ability and you will not progress too quickly to excess weight during training.

For starters, start with a blank paddle to implement the correct form.

How to do good morning exercise

1. Fit the right weight on your shoulders. The bar should rest on the muscles of the upper spine in the shoulder area. Start with a light weight until you get used to it with this exercise.

2. Except your feet are shoulder width apart.

3. Remember to cover your abdomen and breathe excitedly and cleanly.

4. Bend at the hips until the hamstring muscles at the back of the thigh begin to slow down your movement. Bend a little more to give a stretch, but you will not feel pain or discomfort. Keep it straight again. Bend slightly but do not squat to reduce pressure on the knees. The action is all hip.

5. When lifting off the floor you maintain your lower back straight back with a tight bend. Keep your head and chest up. Do not rotate behind your back.

6. Return to starting position.

7. How you move with this exercise depends on your flexibility throughout the posterior chain of muscles including your hamstrings, gluteals (butt) and lower back.

8.Do not push this exercise too far beyond your inherent ability. As a carefree story, martial artist Bruce Lee once overweight and injured himself while making good morning without a good warm up.

9.If you need background information before attempting this exercise, learn more about the basics of weight training.

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