Eat healthy

Many people make it their daily task to start eating healthy, To do this, they start looking on internet pages which foods they should include in their diets and in what proportions they should do so. In a short time, they go from eating ultra-processed foods and eating out at restaurants several times a week to eating only chicken breast and salads. After a few weeks, they automatically stop the diet because they cannot continue with that rhythm of life. This is where the biggest failures in proper nutrition reside.

That is why we will dedicate this article to show you how to eat healthy and what guidelines to follow to maintain good compliance.


1 - What is healthy food

2 - Most important factors for healthy eating

2.1 - Energy balance

2.2 - Macronutrients

2.3 - Micronutrients

3 - Eat healthy and stick to it

What is healthy food

The first thing we need to understand when we start eating healthy is that there is no magic food with special properties that will make you lose or gain weight by itself, there are a number of factors to consider when determining your diet . First and foremost is the energy balance. Usually the people who decide to eat healthy or go on a diet are those who are slightly overweight to obese.

These people need to lower their body fat percentage to healthy levels. To do this, large amounts of vegetables into their diet. For all practical purposes, this is a very loose adherence diet. That is, over time, without being used to eating a certain amount and types of food, you will not be able to follow the plan for a long time. This type of strict diet leads you to think that you will only follow it for a while and then go back to your normal habits.

Eating healthy is probably a matter of time until you lose weight and look aesthetically better. Once this goal is achieved, they return to previous habits of malnutrition and lack of physical exercise, To avoid all these mistakes, several factors must be taken into account when you start eating healthy.

Most important factors for healthy eating

Energy balance

There are several variables that need to be taken into account to start eating healthy. Depending on our goal, be it aesthetics or health, we need to know the energy balance of our diet. The energy balance is the amount of calories that we have to derive at the end of the day or after the weeks to make a goal. If we want to lose weight, we must have a caloric deficit in the diet, That is, eat fewer calories than we can burn through our basic metabolism, physical activity and our daily activity.

On the other hand, if we want to increase our weight, especially through an increase in muscle mass, we must introduce a caloric surplus in the diet. This means eating more calories than is expended. This section has a lot of nuances when determining a diet. It all depends on the basal metabolic rate of the ideal person. In addition, the amount of muscle mass that a person has is decisive in determining the number of calories that should be consumed daily.


Another fundamental aspect that must be analyzed when you start eating healthy is the amount of macro-nutrients found in the diet, The macro-nutrients are: carbohydrates, fats and proteins, These 3 macro-nutrients are the key to the diet. Sufficient amounts must be established for the purpose of each. You should know that no type of diet should do without one of these nutrients. A frequent mistake is the elimination of carbohydrates or fats in weight loss diets.

No lieutenant should disappear from a nutritional guideline. All are important, Carbohydrates give us the energy to make us daily, fats act in various metabolic functions and proteins help to maintain muscle mass, repair tissues and give satiety in the diet.


The order of importance can be the macro-nutrients more, because they are in a larger quantity. As the name suggests, micronutrients are found in quantities. Milligram to microgram amounts. These micronutrients include the vitamins and minerals present in food.

Many of these minerals and vitamins are necessary for various metabolic functions and regulation of the immune system. Thanks to these micronutrients, we can always be healthy. However, due to the very small amount of micronutrients we need, we should not obsess about them. Include a varied diet that includes vegetables, fruits, vegetables, legumes, dairy, meat, fish, nuts, etc. It will be full of micronutrients.

Eat healthy and stick to it

There is nothing more important of all the above points than compliance. This is about how easy it is to follow the meal plan. It's no use having the best diet in the world if you can't follow it, It's important that your diet doesn't cost you to do it daily. You should not include foods that you do not like for the simple fact that they are healthy or have a large amount of vitamins or minerals.

There is no one type of food that is essential in every eating plan by itself. Therefore, we must make a selection of food that provides us with a large amount of nutrients, but which does not cost us to eat. In addition, we must be flexible in the diet. The ideal is to have 80% of real food, not processed and that comes from great food sources and the other 20% from some grills or more processed food, This way we can have a motivation when it comes to following the diet without too many restrictions.

The important thing is long-term adherence to the diet. It's about creating healthy habits and not just going on a diet for a while and going back to old habits.

I hope that with this information you can learn more about what it is to eat healthy

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