Mental Health Issues

Mental Harmful Behaviors

1. Work with our minds instead of resting while we are sick.

2. Not getting enough sleep. According to research, if you cut 90 minutes of sleep a night, your alertness can drop by up to 32%. If we get too little sleep for a long time (years in a row), it can cause problems with remembering and even thinking.

3. Drinking too much alcohol. This is because it damages neurotransmitters, reduces vitamin B1 in the body and even reduces our brain weight.

4. Eat foods that contain a lot of salt, sugar, carbonated beverages, often. This is because salt reduces blood pressure that leads to blood flow to the brain and causes problems with memory, thinking, etc. in our brain.

 5. Not exercising. Because exercise stimulates the release of proteins and hormones in our brain in addition to the health it provides to other parts of our body.

6. There are many things that stress our minds because they increase the risk of developing mental illness after a long period of time.

7. Skipping breakfast too often. According to many researches, a student who leaves home after breakfast in the morning has a much better ability to grasp and memorize things than those who do not eat breakfast.

8. Smoking tobacco. This is because over time our brain shrinks and can even lead to diseases like Alzheimer’s and dementia.


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