Only 14 minutes every day! Get Perfect Summer Fit Body ..

Occasionally there is a slight chill in the air due to occasional rain, but not for long. The sweaty hot season is coming. Get ready now ...

This time Digital Desk: Many people think that a hot workout means a thousand risks! He doesn't want to go to the gym again after spending all day in the office. Then the way! Celebrity fitness trainer Kayla Etsines suggests an easy solution.

Get yourself a perfectly toned summer body in just 14 minutes throughout the day. Free hand exercise at home. That's it ... look at what needs to be done ....

1. Squat 615 times

2. Barpis 610 times

3. Push ups 610 times

4. To taps 615 times

5. Jump lanyards 612 times

6. Sumo squat 615 times

7. Sit-ups 615 times

8. Skipping 615 times

These eight exercises will do everything from legs to abs and upper body workout.

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