Types of psychotherapy and counseling + advantages of seeing a psychologist

How many ways are counseling and psychotherapy done?

The theory of psychotherapy acts like a map for the psychologist. Psychotherapy theories guide the therapist in the process of understanding the patient and their problems and providing solutions.

The views related to psychotherapy are placed in several areas, which are mentioned below.

Psychoanalysis and psychological therapy

This perspective focuses on changing problematic behaviors, feelings, and thoughts through the discovery and identification of unconscious motivations. Analytical psychoanalysis is performed through a close relationship between the doctor and the patient. In this method, patients discover themselves through the interactions they have in counseling sessions. Although psychology is defined and known through Freud, it has been greatly expanded and many parts of it have been modified after Freud.

Behavioral Therapy

This method focuses on the role of learning in the emergence of normal and abnormal behaviors. For example, dogs show special behaviors when they hear the dinner bell because they know that the sound of this bell is related to food.

One of the branches of behavioral therapy is the desensitizing method, in which the doctor helps the patient with phobia and the treatment is done in such a way that the person is repeatedly exposed to everything that leads to anxiety. .

Another method is practical conditioning, in which behavior is formed based on encouragement and punishment. The method of behavior therapy has been developed since the 1950s.

One of the branches of behavioral therapy is cognitive-behavioral therapy that focuses on thoughts and behaviors.

Cognitive therapy focuses more on people's thoughts than their behaviors. In the cognitive therapy method, the therapist believes that ineffective thoughts lead to inappropriate feelings and behaviors. People can change how they feel and act by changing their thoughts.

Advantages of consulting

* Consulting and talking with a psychologist and counselor has many advantages, which include:

* Improvement of mental and emotional symptoms and problems

* Reducing mental and emotional problems

* Solve personal problems with guidance and support

* Make personal changes

* Return to a healthy state

* Having a theoretical view of the problems that have arisen and trying to find a solution

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