What is menopause, why is it and how much do you know about the 6 symptoms?


There are many women who are approaching the time of menopause and there is a suppressed panic or anxiety among them about it. Many suffer from prejudice against it again. This is the time that all women have to face, so without worrying unnecessarily, it will be much easier to deal with the issue if you have the right idea of   what can happen this time and what can be done against it.

What is menopause, why is it and its symptoms

What is menopause?

First of all, you need to have a clear idea of   what menopause is. Menopause is a very common condition for women, which usually affects everyone after the age of forty. The onset of menopause is when a woman's normal fertility declines and the physical and emotional changes that occur just before the reproductive period stops.

Why is menopause?

A woman is usually born with a certain amount of eggs, which are stored in her uterus. The uterus produces the hormones estrogen and progesterone in a woman's body, which regulate menstruation and ovulation. Menopause occurs when ovulation from the uterus stops and menstruation stops.

How many stages of menopause?


There are three stages of menopause. Respectively: perimenopause, menopause and post menopause. The period of a few years before the onset of menopause is called perimenopause. This is when the symptoms of menopause begin to appear. This means that the process begins two to three years before the onset of menopause. Menopause is a period from the beginning of this process to one year.

At this time many people have problems with the physical changes. Which is very normal. But these should not be kept under wraps, but close people, if necessary, should consult a doctor.

Symptoms of menopause

1) Hot flash

The thing that makes everyone suffer a lot during menopause is the Hot Flash. Sudden onset of heat without any external source. It can happen even on a very cold day. Its duration can range from a few seconds to tens of minutes. In this case you can drink cold water immediately. You can read a little loose cotton cloth. Even if it is a hot flash, you will be at ease.

2) Hair loss

During menopause, a lot of hair suddenly starts falling out. Many people are very uncomfortable with their external changes. But it is important to remember that hair loss is not permanent. Hair begins to thin, mainly due to a decrease in the production of the hormones estrogen and progesterone. It is absolutely impossible to stop. However, staying stress free, exercising regularly, following a nutritious diet, taking vitamin supplements, etc. can reduce the rate of hair loss a lot.

3) Reluctance to have sex

Physical interest in sexual intercourse is greatly reduced due to decreased production of the hormones estrogen and progesterone. As well as the estrogen hormone is reduced, the vagina becomes much drier, which makes sexual intercourse difficult for women. To overcome this problem, it is better to take the advice of a doctor without listening to the domestic totka or its.

4) Mood swing

During this time the body is deficient in the hormone estrogen, so the imbalance of the hormones serotonin and dopamine occurs in the body. That is why the mood changes frequently. Another reason for this is the other physical changes during this time. Such as- weight gain, hair loss, hot flash. Because of these many people suffer from constant stress which leads to irritable mood for trivial reasons. However, regular exercise, regular walking, adequate sleep and stress-free can greatly reduce the problem.

5) Joint pain

Pain in different parts of the body, especially knees, elbows, fingers, back starts from this time. However, if someone has problems with arthritis, lupus and bursitis other than menopause, then this type of pain takes a very bad shape. The saddest thing is that there is no permanent cure for them. Different types of therapy, medications as prescribed by the doctor, weight control can alleviate some of this pain.

6) Weight gain

Rapid weight gain during menopause is one of the major problems. Many people suffer from knee, waist and back pain due to this. During this time, as the hormones estrogen and progesterone decrease in the body, so does the ability to produce children. Lack of this hormone also makes it difficult to control weight gradually. In addition, at this stage of age, many things around the body become the cause of weight gain. For example, during this time children grow up and move away due to work, study or marriage. The time has come for employees to retire. These factors increase the instability of the mind. So it is very important to eat moderately and exercise regularly after forty. This is because weight gain also increases the risk of diabetes, high blood pressure and cancer.

6) Insomnia

Another problem for women during menopause is not being able to sleep or falling asleep or getting tired all day long even after waking up. In many cases it is seen waking up at night. The cause is hot flashes or excessive sweating. Again at this age many people start medication due to diabetes or high blood pressure or any other illness. Insomnia can also be a side effect of these drugs. In this case, many people start taking sleeping pills, which is absolutely not right. Only take sleeping pills on the advice of a doctor. Specific sleep patterns, proper exercise, and reducing caffeine intake work well for a good night's sleep.

In conclusion, menopause is a very normal process. Which all women should take after one age. At this time, as a big physical change comes in a hurry, many people suffer from inferiority complex, go into depression later. But the whole thing becomes much easier if you take the whole thing lightly and get the support of people close to the family. Stay well, stay beautiful.

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