20-minute abdominal workout at home


How to successfully load the abdominal muscles when we are at home

The tight abdomen and the relief muscles on it are a goal that every physically active person works hard on - both at home and in the gym. Achieving them requires hard training, perseverance and a lot of deprivation, but the mission is not impossible, even in times of isolation.

On the contrary, even now we have more time to take on this challenge. It is enough to use in training the time we have lost so far to go and return from work, for example.

When it comes to abdominal exercises, the first association we usually make are abdominal presses. But with them alone, significant results cannot be achieved. However, there are effective 20-minute workouts, such as the one we will offer you today. It is perfectly suitable for home implementation because it does not require any equipment. All you need is your own weight.

What do we need to know about a 20-minute abdominal workout?


The main advantage of the 20-minute circuit training with an emphasis on the abdominal muscles is that it allows for their complete exhaustion, leading to microtrauma. It is the microtraumas in the muscle fibers that cause the growth of the muscles and the increase of the muscle strength, ie. this workout effectively affects the tightening and shaping of the abdominal muscles. In comparison, such a result is much more difficult to achieve if the abdominal workout is shorter or combined in a workout for the whole body.

The 20-minute abdominal workout we offer is circular and includes 5 exercises with your own weight - 3 types of planks and 2 types of abdominal presses. Perform the exercises to failure, on the principle of "AMRAP" (as many reps / rounds as possible) - as many repetitions as possible. Try to do 3 or 4 sets, following the recommendations for the minimum number of repetitions of each exercise included in the description.

The workout can be done once or twice a week, with at least 3 days of rest during which the abdominal muscles recover.

Approximate 20-minute abdominal workout at home


Stand in a high plank position with outstretched arms - the abdomen should be tight and the shoulders and wrists should be in line. Stretch the spine and legs so that a straight line is formed from the neck to the feet. Without moving your arms off the floor, bounce to the right with both feet at the same time, trying to bring your knees as close as possible to your right elbow. The legs should not be separated from each other. Then, again with a jump, return to the starting position and repeat the movement, jumping to the left and bringing the knees closer to the left elbow.

Continue the exercise as quickly as possible, maintaining proper posture at all times. Do 30 reps. Exercise mainly loads the abdominal muscles, along with the shoulders and calves.


The V-press exercise or V-shaped abdominal presses effectively trains the entire abdominal muscles. The load is due to the simultaneous lifting of the limbs and torso in the air, balancing the whole body on a small part of the waist and pelvis.

Lie on your back and stretch your legs on the floor. Stretch your arms behind your head and also relax them on the floor. Tighten your torso, arms and legs and start lifting your arms and legs at the same time until they are as close as possible. At the highest point you can reach, hold for a second. Then lower your limbs to the starting position, but without touching the floor. The pelvis and lower back should remain still and glued to the floor throughout the movement. Do 15 reps.

Side Plank With Toe Tap


Lie on your right side and bend your right arm at the elbow, standing in a side plank position. The right elbow should form a straight line with the shoulder and the left arm should be stretched up to the ceiling. Stretch your body like a plank, bend your right leg and start moving it, stretching it first in front of your left leg. This is a repetition. Then bend it at the knee and place it behind it. Throughout the exercise, the load should fall on the abdominal muscles, not on the pelvis. Then turn to the left side and do the same exercise with the left leg, Do 30 repetitions per side.

Knee-to-Elbow Forearm Plank


The starting position is a classic low plank - the elbows should be under the shoulders and the fingers intertwined and clenched into a fist. Stretch your back and tighten your abdominal muscles, gluteus and legs so that the body forms a straight line from head to toe. From this position, bend the left leg at the knee, bring it slightly to the sides and bring it as close as possible to the left elbow, trying to touch your triceps.This is 1 repetition. Do 20 such repetitions. The body and pelvis should be stable throughout the exercise. Perform the movement slowly so that you can follow the correct position and technique.

Stair-Climber Crunch


Lie on your back and lock your fingers behind your head, on the back of your head. Lift your head, neck and shoulders, using your abdominal muscles to perform an abdominal press. It is extremely important not to lift your neck with your hands, but only with your abdominal muscles. At the same time, bend the right leg and bring it closer to the chest, and lift the left leg slightly off the floor so that it remains parallel to it, but without touching. Return the right leg to the left and relax the torso, but without the head and shoulders touching the floor. This is 1 repetition. Repeat with the left leg, bending the left knee to the chest and keeping the right leg parallel to the floor - in the air. The exercise is very similar to a cycling abdominal press, but without turning the upper body. Do 20 reps.

Pulse Fitness calls on all its club members to stay at home and follow the recommendations and regulations issued in connection with the state of emergency in the country.

We urge you to continue to keep your body healthy by training with us at home.

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