Apple diet - rules and opinion of a dietitian.

Apples are rich in dietary fiber, which prolongs the feeling of fullness after a meal, stimulates digestion and intestinal function, and is also helpful in removing toxins from the body. Therefore, the apple diet allows you to quickly lose unnecessary kilograms and improve intestinal peristalsis. This diet comes in two forms: the strict one, where apples are eaten for 3 days, and the less strict one, where apples are just an addition to meals. Learn the rules of the apple diet and the opinions of nutritionists.

Apple diet

The apple diet is one of the slimming diets whose basic ingredient is apples. The fruit should be eaten raw and unpeeled, due to the fact that most of the most valuable ingredients of an apple are found under its peel - half of the vitamin C, almost all of the valuable antioxidants and most of the dietary fiber. Thanks to the content of vitamin C and quercetin, which belongs to the group of antioxidants, apples neutralize bacteria and viruses, as well as free radicals responsible for the development of many diseases and the aging of the body. Quercetin also strengthens the body's immunity and has anti-inflammatory properties.

Some also say that the apple diet, like other vegetable diets or juice detoxes, is designed to cleanse our body of toxins, but it is not scientifically confirmed. Detox in the human body takes place every day and we do not need special diets for this. The liver and kidneys fulfill the detoxification functions in our body. These two organs are responsible for cleansing our body and blood from harmful metabolic products. The apple diet can only support the liver and kidneys by helping them get rid of toxins.

Apple diet - rules

The apple diet comes in two varieties: restrictive one-ingredient diet and low-calorie diet taking into account different groups of products.

The first variation of this diet can last up to 3 days and consists of consuming only apples for each meal all day - be it breakfast or dinner. The amount of apples consumed during the day should not exceed 2 kg. When deciding on this diet, you should not forget to drink at least 2 liters of fluids. Mainly it should be still mineral water, herbal teas are also allowed. This variant of the diet excludes the use of other products, so you should prepare for it properly. First, you should consult a doctor in order to detect possible contraindications, because this diet is intended only for adults, not struggling with various types of gastrointestinal diseases. The purpose of the three-day apple diet is to improve the work of the digestive tract by stimulating the work of the intestines. Remember that the one-component apple diet is a deficient diet, so it can last no longer than 3 days. Otherwise, there is a high risk of weakness, dizziness or fainting.

The second variant of this diet is a bit less restrictive, the menu, apart from apples, may be enriched with other products that will bring additional nutrients to the meals. However, it is important that the caloric content of meals during the day does not exceed 1000 kcal. Due to the fact that this form of apple diet also does not provide all the necessary nutrients, it should be used for a maximum of 5 days.

Ideally 3-4 days before starting the apple diet, reduce the portions of meals, limit salt consumption, give up sweets, cold meats, alcohol, coffee and strong black tea. Meals should be rich in vegetables and fruits, and whole grains.

How Much Weight Can You Lose On The Apple Diet?

Dietary fiber plays an important role in the slimming process, mainly the soluble fraction, which prolongs the feeling of fullness after a meal. The soluble fraction of dietary fiber includes i.a. pectin, a good source of which are raw, unpeeled apples. In addition, fiber improves the digestive system, stimulates digestion and intestines, contributing to their cleansing. The apple diet, due to its low calorific value and high content of dietary fiber, promotes weight loss. The three-day apple diet allows you to lose about 2 kg, while the five-day option allows you to lose weight by up to 5 kg. At the same time, it should be remembered that the weight loss effect depends, among others. from baseline body weight, age and level of physical activity.

To maintain the effect of the apple diet, after its completion, you should gradually return to normal nutrition, increasing the portions of meals consumed. In the first days, our diet should be easily digestible, based only on boiled, not fried, dishes. Too quick return to previous eating habits could end up overloading the digestive tract and the yo-yo effect.

Apple diet - menu

The eight-day apple diet is a one-ingredient diet, the menu is based solely on apples. The only modification that we can introduce is the form of consumed apples. They can be eaten fresh, baked, in the form of mousse, mashed or diced salad, or drunk in the form of fresh apple juice. Apart from apples, let's not forget about water and herbal teas.

The second version of the apple diet gives you a greater range of possibilities. An example of a menu not exceeding 1000 kcal is presented below:

Breakfast: apple porridge with cinnamon (apple - 1 piece, oatmeal - 2 tablespoons, drinking milk 1.5% fat - 1/2 cup, sunflower seeds - 1 teaspoon, cinnamon - a pinch).

2nd breakfast: Natural yoghurt 1.5% fat - 1 small cup (150g).

Lunch: Brown rice - 1/2 bag, steamed chicken breast - 70g, carrot salad - 1 piece and apples - 2 pieces.

Dinner: Apple, soft-boiled egg and tomato sandwich (whole meal rye bread - 1 slice, chicken egg - 1 piece, tomato - 1 piece)

Apple diet - recipes


1- Apple - 1 piece

Apple dessert


1- Cottage cheese (light) - ½ packages

Millet apple pie


1- Drinking milk (1.5% fat) - 1/2 cup

Apple diet - opinion of a dietitian

The apple diet, like other "miracle diets", is an incomplete and inadequately balanced diet. Using it for a long time may result in weakening of the body, dizziness, deficiencies of basic nutrients, minerals and vitamins, which may lead to anemia.

Losing weight is a long-term process based on an energy deficit, i.e. a state in which our body receives less energy than it needs and, as a consequence, is forced to use its own reserves. The energy deficit in 1000 kcal diets is too high, few people manage to achieve a lasting effect with it. People who are on this type of diets are not able to maintain such a large caloric regime and after a few days they "throw" on food, making up for the lost kilograms with interest. There is no prescription for a quick and effective way to lose weight. The slimming process, above all, requires time, patience and constant motivation on the part of loved ones. "Miracle diets" can only discourage changes in eating habits, because when taking them we are constantly tired, lethargic and have mood swings. Due to all these irrational ways to lose unnecessary kilograms, misconceptions about the word diet reach our head.

To sum up, if we really want to try the apple diet, choose a low-calorie version, lasting up to 5 days, where, apart from apples, we can eat other products. Remember that this diet is worth using if we feel difficult and want to improve the work of the digestive tract. It is not good for shedding unnecessary kilograms because it is effective, but only for a short time. We can enjoy a slim figure for a long time while maintaining good health and well-being only by modifying the patient's incorrect eating habits. Only a healthy, wholesome diet, prepared individually for a given person, taking into account the energy deficit, guarantees long-term success.

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