How Many Calories Do We Burn In The Gym?

In detail about the calories burned in the gym and in everyday life

Calories - who would have thought that a word could have such a great weight? Whether you are trying to lose weight or gain muscle mass, you need to know how many calories you consume and burn daily. Counting them in your diet is an easy task, but at the same time it is difficult to determine how much they are spent in the gym, and this is important to know how effective your workout is.

What do we need to know about calories and fitness?

Almost every cardio machine in the gym shows information about the calories burned on the screen to it, but in fact the data is not quite accurate. The reason is that when calculating them, the machines take into account only the weight and age, and for the correct and accurate calculation additional factors such as fitness level and body shape must be included.

A study from the University of California shows that cardio machines overestimate calories burned by the following percentages:

* Running trails - 13%

* Bicycle ergometer - 7%

* Climbing stairs - 12%

* Cross trainer - 42%

Some of the best exercises for burning calories are running on a treadmill, turning an exercise bike, swimming, circuit training and lifting weights. But before we talk about the individual exercises, we will present you some interesting facts that are important to know:

Your basic metabolic rate (BMD) is the amount of energy (calories) your body needs to perform its most basic functions. These functions are responsible for 50-70% of the energy that the body uses every day. Under normal circumstances, this means that for everything else (including exercise) you are entitled to between 30% and 50% of the calories your body has received that day.

* The more muscle mass you have, the more calories you will burn, even during rest.

* In 1 kg. Fat has approximately 7,000 calories.

* Which exercises burn the most calories?

Treadmill - 345 calories

Running is one of the best calorie burning exercises. If you run at a speed of 18 km / h, you will burn between 270 and 400 calories on the trail in 30 minutes. And if you add a slope - this value will increase. For better results, it is recommended that cardio be combined with high-intensity interval training (HIIT). Through it you will continue to burn calories even after exercise - the reason for this is the "afterburn" effect.

Bicycle ergometer - 231 calories

Moderate rotation of the ergometer consumes between 210 and 310 calories in 30 minutes. Fast spinning (like that in spinning classes) burns from 315 to 466 calories.

Swimming - 225 calories

If you experience pain in your knees, shoulders or other parts of the body during most of the exercises and this prevents you from being really active, then swimming is a great way to stay in good shape. This is a great cardio exercise that will burn between 200 and 444 calories in 30 minutes (depending on your swimming style and intensity). A bonus to this is that it does not strain the joints.

Circuit training - 264 calories

Circuit training combines functional exercises with intense cardio. It includes a series of exercises with minimal rest in between. You usually burn about 240 to 355 calories in 30 minutes.

Some of the exercises included in this type of training are:

* Push-ups - 247 calories

* Attacks - 269 calories

* Gathering - 287 calories

* Squats - 179 calories

* Jumps "Star" - 286 calories

* Abdominal presses / plank - 136 calories

* Weight lifting - 112 calories

If you lift weights, you will probably burn between 90 and 133 calories for every 30-minute workout. But what you need to know is that the more muscle mass you have, the more energy your body will expend during rest. For this reason, weightlifting should be included in your training regimen, regardless of your fitness goals.

* Calories are calculated for a person weighing 70 kg. based on 30 minutes of physical activity.

How to burn 500 calories in 30 minutes?

If you aim to burn an average of about 500 calories in a 30-minute workout, you can choose from several options.

Interval running

As mentioned, running is one of the first things on the list of exercises that burn the most calories. This high-intensity workout is suitable for both beginners and advanced. It consists of running at intervals of varying intensity, as follows:

* 3 minutes warm-up - gradually increases the speed to 9 km / h (10.5 km / h for advanced)

* 3 minutes running - speed 10.5 km / h (12 km / h for advanced)

* 2 minute sprint - speed 13 km / h (14.5 km / h for advanced)

* 2 minutes running - speed 10.5 km / h (12 km / h for advanced)

* 1 minute sprint - speed 13 km / h (14.5 km / h for advanced)

* 3 minutes running - speed 10 km / h (11 km / h for advanced)

* 1 minute sprint - speed 14 km / h (15.5 km / h for advanced)

* 3 minutes running - speed 10 km / h (11 km / h for advanced)

* 1 minute sprint - speed 14 km / h (15.5 km / h for advanced)

* 3 minutes running - speed 10.5 km / h (12 km / h for advanced)

* 1 minute sprint - speed 14.5 km / h (16 km / h for advanced)

* 3 minutes running - speed 10.5 km / h (12 km / h for advanced)

* 4 minutes warm-up - starts at a speed of 9 km / h (10.5 km / h for advanced), which gradually decreases in the 29th minute.

Climbing stairs (by machine) with weights

Climbing stairs in itself is a very strenuous cardio exercise suitable for burning calories. But by adding weights, you will work on more muscle groups, which will increase even more calories burned. It is recommended to use dumbbells weighing 1 to 3 kg.

The specified load scale is from 1 to 20, with 1 being the lowest and 20 being the highest.

* 5 minutes warm-up with no climbs - load level 3

* 2 minutes weightlifting (arms down to body) - load level 8

* 3 minutes weightlifting (arms down to body) - load level 9

* 2 minutes climb with bent elbows at 90 degrees and movement of the arms forward - backward - load level 11

* 3 minutes weightlifting (arms down to body) - load level 12

* 2 minutes climb with arms outstretched - load level 14

* 3 minutes weightlifting (arms down to body) - load level 15

*  2 minutes climb with biceps flexion - load level 13

* 3 minutes weightlifting (arms down to body) - load level 12

* 5 minutes warm-up with weightless ascent - load level 3

Plyometric exercises

Plyometric exercises are a sure way to burn calories and gain muscle mass. They are high-intensity and mostly include different types of jumps, bouncing movements, squats and more.

A clearer idea can be gained from the sample training. The given repetitions should be performed in the shortest possible time and with minimal breaks (it can take you less than 30 minutes). The exercises are done in the following sequence:

* Jumping rope - 100 repetitions

* High knees - 75 repetitions

* Squats - 50 repetitions

* Push-ups - 25 repetitions

* Jumping rope - 150 repetitions

* Jumping "Star" - 75 repetitions

* Back attacks - 50 repetitions

* Abdominal presses - 25 repetitions

* Jumping rope - 200 repetitions

* Running in place with high bent back legs - 75 repetitions

* Mountain climber - 50 repetitions

* Lifting the legs from the leg - 50 repetitions

More interesting facts about burning calories

So far, we've listed the basic exercises and types of calorie-burning workouts. But in fact, a person burns calories with every activity he performs in everyday life. For example:

1. Easy and fast cleaning of the house - 102 calories *

2. Vacuuming - 119 calories *

3. Dancing - 130 calories *

4. Driving a car - 50 calories *

5. Watching TV - 50 calories *

6. Sitting - 50 calories *

7. Nutrition - 50 calories *

* Calories are calculated for a person weighing 70 kg. for a 30-minute activity

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