Your favorite natural tips in 2022

What were your favorite tips for the home in 2022? 

Find our best green tips to take care of your interior!

At Conglobe, we love to give you the best advice to take care of your home in a healthy way. Here are your favorite items this year ... tips that still apply for 2023!

Natural cleaning products

This year again, cleaning products were popular! You particularly enjoyed (re) discovering diatomaceous earth, not to be confused with Sommières earth or Meudon white. The opportunity to discuss how to clean your washing machine with white vinaire, but also when not to use white vinegar for cleaning, or when and how to use soda crystals.

Tips for keeping insects and other animals away

It seems that bugs have bothered you again this year! In 2021 you have researched a natural anti ant, a mouse repellent, natural anti fly tips and how to get rid of midges.

Caring for animals

Okay, you don't like flies, but taking good care of your animals is important to you.

Chickens and cats

For example, you liked the instructions for a good chicken coop to properly prepare your hens for winter. You have also been sensitive to the advice on how to feed your cat well or treat your pet with colloidal silver.

A beautiful house that smells good

Scenting your home naturally is absolutely possible. On the visual side, it is possible to artificially age wood with a few tips.

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