The worst health tips (which you should never follow)

Fortunately, thinking healthy is no longer (only) a trend. We all try to lead a healthy lifestyle that really makes us feel good, also through conscious choices and behaviors. Some, however, are the legacy of erroneous beliefs, or that derive from the past, and which have nothing to greet! Here are some of them.

It is good to take vitamins every day

Don't do it! Not everyone needs a multivitamin. We will never tire of saying that everything our body needs comes from what we put on our plate every day. If you follow a well-balanced diet with lots of fruits and vegetables, we may already be getting sufficient amounts of vitamins, minerals and nutrients. Before wasting your money on random vitamins, consult a specialist, share your eating habits with him. Only in this way can you establish a possible integration.

You need to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day

Hydration is important, but our body (which is a perfect machine) is able to regulate itself. After all, you also hydrate yourself by eating fruit and vegetables, drinking tea, herbal teas, coffee.

The 8 glasses a day theory is not supported by scientific evidence.

To lose weight it is good to focus only on sport

Exercise, without the support of a proper diet, is not enough to lose weight and is not an excuse to eat whatever we want. To lose weight. Science has established that in order not to excessively lower the metabolism, the ideal calorie deficit is 500 calories per day. This will allow us to lose about 500 grams per week. The smartest way to achieve this is to cut 50% of the deficit from calories and the other 50% by burning more calories through physical activity. That's why in the context of healthy weight loss, sport and nutrition go hand in hand!

Completely shaving the pubis improves hygiene

If there are, they will also have a purpose! And indeed they do. Pubic hair represents a protective barrier against bacteria and viruses while, during sexual intercourse, they reduce friction and protect against micro-injuries and abrasions. In short, the choice to shave is absolutely personal and has nothing to do with health.

Coconut oil is good for sunburn

In addition to being useless, this "remedy" has no medical basis and could promote infections. To soothe a burn it is good to use cold water, use special ointments or, better still, consult your doctor.

During your period it is best not to take a bath

Not bathing, not touching plants, not washing your hair when you are menstruating are all commonplaces related to the past without any scientific basis. Dedicating yourself to relaxing activities, such as taking a bath, or playing sports during the menstrual cycle can instead be useful to counteract malaise and mood swings. The only precaution: it is better to avoid water that is too cold.

Dedicating yourself to relaxing activities, such as taking a bath, or playing sports during the menstrual cycle can instead be useful to counteract malaise and mood swings.

In winter, sunscreen can be avoided

Very wrong! Even in winter, when the sun's rays are less strong, cosmetics with SPF alone are not enough because they do not offer the same protection as a sunscreen, which must be used all year round in order to prevent premature skin aging. Even staying at home, the sun's rays can easily reach us by penetrating through the window panes. In short, whether it's summer or winter, UV rays are always harmful!

It is best to avoid the pre-menopausal birth control pill

Let's dispel a myth. The pill protects against ovarian cancer, for every 5 years of use the risk decreases by 20% and the protection is maintained for up to 30 years after suspension. In the absence of risk factors such as smoking and high blood pressure, the pill can be taken after age 40. Some types, then, are particularly suitable for this age group.

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