What is your own style of love?

                                          Look at the picture and decide what you see first

The house

If the house is the first thing that catches your eye, this indicates that your home and security are very important to you. You enjoy and love going out in the city, but when you want to take a break or feel inner happiness, or want to recover, you always use to spend time with your family in your home. You love to be surrounded by the people you absolutely love, and this is your own way of expressing love.

And because you are a "petoti" person (that is, you love the house), you love to cook and bake, and even if you don't have time often, you occasionally visit yourself and those who you love to pamper yourself and prepare delicious dishes and baked goods.

The wolf

If you see the wolf on the first face in the picture, this indicates that you are an emotional person. You love to party, you are a lively person. You enjoy dinner with your friends and tell your loved ones about your latest romantic adventure.

You are also the type of lover who longs to express love through physical touch, for example by touching your hand, and it is your own way of expressing love for the person you consider special to you.

The trees

And if you see the quarrel first, this indicates that you are someone who has been hurt before. When it comes to love, you are the kind of person who feels things more than anyone else. You are an optimist, but you have faced many difficulties in your life and it shows.

And your own way to show your love is to make yourself emotionally vulnerable to your partner, you think that is the best way to show your true feelings and care.

The moon

But if you see the moon at first sight, then you are a dreamer at heart and love to dream. You are a responsible person, but you have never managed to get rid of dreamy feelings. You love to write, dance, have fun and art in general, and you love to share it with others.

You mostly get inspiration from the spiritual and creative side of the world around you. This means that you like to be creative when you show your love to others, whether that is through a fiction or a work of art. You never show off and always express your true feelings in ways deeper than the written word, and it is your own way of expressing your love.

The face

And if you see a face at first sight, this indicates that you are the type who dreams big and achieves his goals in life. You are a natural leader, and you have an aura of calm to prove it. Sometimes things are not in your favor, but soon everything will be fine and things will turn in your favor again.

You are the type of person who values ​​time, and you may seem a little selfish, but you see that there is no better way to express love than to put your partner's name on your calendar in a special way to to always remember him.

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