20 bad habits that unintentionally drive you and your spouse apart!

Changing your spouse's bad habits: You or your love may inadvertently do things that destroy your relationship. You or your love may unknowingly do things that destroy your relationship. Join us as we introduce you to 20 harmful habits in your relationship. Honeymoon is the best period of a relationship, but as soon as it ends, we notice some characteristics of our partner that we ignored at the beginning. You or your love may unknowingly do things that destroy your relationship. Liberating habits like throwing dirty clothes on the floor or leaving dirty dishes in the sink are one thing, but changing the names of phone contacts or hiding your phone from each other is another.

1. To be silent

Avoiding and running away from arguments solves anything.

Relationship counselor and sex therapist, "Successful couples learn to fight well and find a solution quickly, they don't completely avoid arguments and they don't stop talking to each other."

2. Hostage in expressing intimacy

Being hostage to sex and intimacy or using it to get what you want eventually becomes poisoned with a suppressed anger. Showing and expressing your love physically is really helpful! If you don't feel like doing these things with your partner, find other ways to physically and emotionally connect, such as cuddling, massage, or a no-strings-attached fun session. "

3. Being passive and aggressive

Those whose opinions are stingy cannot speak usefully, they only blame others. Find firm and fair words to express your wishes. You should talk clearly with your partner and tell him what you have in your heart with positive sentences.

Some great ways to get rid of your wife's bad habits

4. Checking your phones

In the world of internet relationships, more and more people are obsessed with checking their spouse's browser history, messages and social media posts. Unfortunately, technology is like a double-edged sword. If you find something that is suspicious, there is no way you can deal with it - that is, you will be forced to reveal your spying. Also, you usually do not know all the events, so it is easy to get misinterpreted. And if you find nothing, you will often repeat this cycle. If you have a problem with trusting your partner, it is better to talk to him and resolve this concern.

5. Get out of your routine

According to Lewis, "Routine is really great and makes us feel secure in a relationship, but it can be a killer of love and excitement. We become attached to our daily habits and cause our romantic relationship to become stale."

To avoid this, switch things up a bit – have a mid-week date night, go on a weekend adventure, or take up a new hobby together. Discover new things about your partner and rekindle the fire of your love.

6. Spending all your time together

It may not seem like it, but spending too much time together can lead to a breakup. Carrying out your duties separately allows you to grow with your partner and have your own individual identity. Go out and hang out with friends, find a solo activity for after work, or spend time thinking. You will have many new discussions to tell your partner.

7. Wandering eyes

Some great ways to get rid of your wife's bad habits

Wandering eyes cause insecurity in relationships.

According to Dr counselor and psychotherapist, "You should always only have your eyes on the person you're with, otherwise they'll feel neglected or less attracted to you."

8. Prioritizing friends before life partner

Yes, it is important to spend time with our friends, but prioritizing spending time with friends over your partner can make it feel like you prefer your friends over him and turn off his feelings for you.

Some great ways to get rid of your wife's bad habits

9. Ignoring special occasions

Valentine's day, birthday, mother's day and father's day or when we know that our partner likes to be surprised on a special day but we prefer to ignore his feelings is the worst possible thing. These things can break the thread of any relationship.

10. Not appreciating the small and big things of your life partner

"We all need to be appreciated, especially for the efforts we have made to take care of our partners and families. Appreciation and attention to this effort motivates us to do more and more."

Some great ways to get rid of your wife's bad habits

11. Conversation with violence and with disrespect

Words can be hurtful and cause deep wounds. The words that come out of your mouth penetrate into the ears of others and remain in their memory. You cannot erase verbal violence, disrespect and offensive statements.

12. Trying to improve the life partner

You may want to make your partner a better person or force him to change. Your selfish motive can be the biggest mistake that will lead to the end of your relationship.

13. Substituting good habits for bad habits

If you don't trust your partner, it is better to solve this concern by talking.

14. Criticizing your partner's family

According to today's psychology, the criticism you make towards the behavior of your partner's family is destroying the relationship. Your partner cannot change their parent, sister or cousin. No matter how horrible they are, they are his family and you should respect them. How will it make you feel if he insults your relatives? Remember that you did not choose them, so they should not and cannot affect you.

15. Not forgiving small mistakes

Compassion and understanding are very important. You must forgive yourself and your partner. Research shows that excessive punishment for mistakes can do more harm than good and lead to feelings of hopelessness and doubt in our abilities. However, it is important to remember that you should only show forgiveness when the person has truly taken responsibility for their mistake.

16. Lack of self-confidence

Evidence shows a direct relationship between self-esteem and the quality of romantic relationships. According to studies, having self-confidence is beneficial for a romantic relationship and will have a positive effect on the happiness of the partner of this relationship. Separate research also shows that people with low self-esteem are more likely to stay in relationships with low levels of satisfaction.

Some great ways to get rid of your wife's bad habits

17. Telling harmless lies

Lying about small things can lead to further lies. Research from the University of Notre Dame shows that when people didn't tell any lies for 10 weeks, they reported a significant increase in the health of their relationships. Also, participants in the no-lie group improved their social interactions compared to when they lied.

18. You do not compliment each other

According to studies, one of the unique things in a relationship is complimenting your partner. There is no need for others to know that you are complimenting it, but complimenting creates satisfaction in a relationship. Not defining your life partner affects people's perception of the quality of the relationship and affects it.

19. Giving points to wrong behaviors - reminding of problems

You've probably heard the infamous story of the man who sent his wife a long list of excuses for not having sex. This behavior is "immature and seditious". The one who does this leaves no escape. Psychologists recommend that instead of this behavior, you have a "bank account" for your relationship and give points to the right behaviors that make you find your way and compromise between you so that you can withdraw from it if necessary.

Some great ways to get rid of your wife's bad habits

20. You do not communicate

Not communicating is different from being silent. There is nothing particularly wrong with this, and the two of you are talking to the other person when they start talking. The problem is that this does not happen often or you say "no" to each other a lot in your conversations. Research conducted on communication and interaction between couples in long-term relationships shows that more talking reduces the distance between couples. A separate study shows that couples who talk to each other are less stressed.

Some great ways to get rid of your wife's bad habits

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