Why are lazy people more successful than others?

Can a lazy person be successful? What if being lazy could help someone be more successful? Most people don't like lazy people. But there are many lazy people who succeed in life. It is not difficult to understand why lazy people are smart and successful in their careers.

Most people believe that you can achieve great success only if you work hard. is it so Review the life history of elders. Can anyone be lazy and achieve great things?

The truth is that successful people cannot be lazy. There is not necessarily a direct relationship between laziness and success. It doesn't matter how slowly you go about doing things, what makes seemingly lazy people successful is that they focus all their energy on doing what's important and rest the rest of the way.

Everyone's definition of laziness is different. Therefore, what is known as laziness in the mind is a person who is either very slow or does very little activity and effort.

What is the secret of success of lazy people in the world?

But the fact that he doesn't try according to your standards doesn't mean he's lazy. If someone is lazy to study, does that mean he will be less successful? no There is a lot of evidence to contradict this claim. There were great people in history who were known as lazy people despite less physical effort and lack of academic success, but they were successful in the end.

Everyone is more or less lazy. However, some people are more lazy than others. People in society usually consider laziness to be a bad trait. But how surprising would it be if laziness actually contributes to greater success? In fact, many lazy people achieve great success.

History proves this claim. For example, Charles Darwin was incredibly lazy.

His teachers and parents suffered a lot so that he could learn grammar and mathematics in school. Even when he entered into scientific activity, he was not in a hurry to do things and spent years writing his works.

Another example is Winston Churchill.

In school, he showed the worst class results and did not even go to university. He was completely indifferent to exercise and his favorite activity was sitting in a rocking chair. After that he became a great politician. Many other greats, including Einstein, Newton, Picasso, Mendeleev and others, have been very lazy people. Nevertheless, they managed to achieve incredible success and become known all over the world. This proves that lazy people can really turn out much better than imagined and turn laziness into a huge advantage. What is the secret of success of lazy people in the world?

The reason for the success of lazy people

American professor Arnold Ludwig once analyzed more than a thousand people who had achieved the greatest success in their lives. He concluded that apart from having some natural talent, you must be able to manage time. In the age of speed, such a practice certainly seems contradictory to the current century and lifestyle. However, even Einstein said that boredom is a great tool for personal development and your imagination and creativity. In the following, some of the most prominent characteristics and reasons for the success of lazy people are mentioned.

1 - Being innovative

Lazy people are very creative in organizing their work. They don't waste time on unnecessary things and are somewhat strict. A lazy employee will always find a way to automate and optimize all the repetitive processes in their job. As nothing is more annoying to a lazy person than a routine monotonous task.

People were so lazy that they invented a digger and a vacuum cleaner to dig out the dirt and do the cleaning. Who knows, maybe lazy people were the ones who patented all the great inventions of the century.

2- Being an entrepreneur and knowing your goals

Lazy people have many ideas and projects because their minds are not overloaded with all kinds of thoughts and responsibilities. They think and ideate in different categories.

Lazy people know how to prioritize and focus on their own goals, not on goals imposed by others. They are too lazy to pay attention to other people's priorities, so they focus on their own goals and needs. In addition, they spend much less time to achieve these goals so that they have more time to rest.

3- The importance of rest

The most important thing is to know when to rest, because the more energy people use, the less energy they have to fulfill big plans. People who always push themselves age faster and their memory fades much faster. In addition, some scientists believe that if you are a night owl, getting up early and doing vigorous exercise can have a detrimental effect on your health, especially after the age of forty.

All these things that lazy people don't do and are successful. So, lazy people, keep calm and continue being lazy. What is the secret of the success of lazy people in the world?

4- Having peace and being smart

Lazy people do not rush into anything and do not jump from branch to branch. They take their time and do things one after the other slowly. While some people dread tasks, they get distracted and end up not fully committing to their tasks. On the other hand, lazy people have less worries and do their work calmly.

In fact, it takes a great mind to be lazy at work. You have to find ways to do nothing for a while and then do everything on time. If you are smart and lazy, you are probably the most efficient employee in your company.

5-The reason for the success of lazy people Technology in the service of laziness

In the age of technology, there are many programs and tools that allow people to do their work much faster. Lazy people know all these facilities well and use them to complete tasks twice as fast. For example, if they are working on a document, they write it and then send it to a lawyer, editor, manager, and other people to review, and this process takes a lot of time.

Lazy people just create a Google Doc to reduce their activity and allow people to access the document so they can approve or make any corrections at the same time. This simplifies the whole process, saves a lot of time and allows them to be lazy and do nothing for a while longer.

According to a 2015 study published in the Journal of Health Psychology, on average, people who are less physically active are smarter than more physically active people. Researchers even came up with a fancy description for laziness, which they call "need for cognition." People with this trait want structured, reasoned ways of looking at the world, and often pursue activities that are highly mentally stimulating, such as brainstorming puzzles or debating.

Scientific data shows that people with a high IQ are less tired, which makes them less active and spend more time thinking. For this study, the researchers used a questionnaire to assess the need for cognition. They divided 60 people into two groups (thinkers and non-thinkers) based on their survey answers. All participants then wore activity trackers for a seven-day period, which gave the researchers insight into their habits.

What is the secret of success of lazy people in the world?

The same results showed that people with high IQ are less tired and this makes them less active and spend more time thinking. The highly active group was easily bored when they had to sit still and observe their abstract thoughts and preferred to stimulate their minds with active tasks such as sports and other physical activities.

The connection between intelligence and laziness and success

These characteristics do not add up together. But part of the problem is related to how society views laziness. Many of the things that society associates with laziness are actually not laziness at all. Bill Gates is quoted as saying: "I always choose a lazy person to do a difficult task, because a lazy person finds an easy way to do it."

Many obsessive critical thinkers (known as people with a high "need for cognition") seek to reduce wasteful actions and instead prefer to use efficient processes.

So maybe hiring a lazy person isn't such a bad idea. They are likely to be strategic thinkers who can come up with clever shortcuts, ways to eliminate problems, save time, and bring new and innovative ideas to the company.

false laziness

Michael Lewis, the bestselling author of "Moneyball" and "The Big Short," is nothing if not smart and successful, and he hasn't shied away from being called lazy. In fact, he attributes most of his success directly to being lazy. 

Lewis's perception of laziness is what can be called "false laziness". The fact that his laziness contributed to his success dispels negative stereotypes of a lazy person.

Video games and laziness

Video games are another example of "false laziness". It is often seen as a mindless activity that most lazy people enjoy. But anyone who has ever played critical games knows that some of these games require strategic thinking and problem solving.

Elon Musk himself is known as a prolific gamer, and it's certainly hard to imagine anyone calling him lazy.

Musk has built at least six highly successful companies on the back of over a hundred hour workweeks and years without vacations. You also find Mark Zuckerberg and Larry Page among the legions of highly successful people who love to play video games. What is the secret of the success of lazy people in the world?

The last word about the reason for the success of lazy people

Increase your productivity by prioritizing your life and better organizing your daily schedule. Your reward tool for maximum productivity without a lot of effort and physical activity is planning for priorities. Unlike any other planner, align your daily actions with your ultimate goals to ensure that everything you do matters in your gut, and you don't have to spend a lot of physical and mental energy to get it done.

The final point is that "lazy" is an adjective that is defined too broadly and does not take into account the differences in it. However, evidence suggests that people would do well to be more careful about what traits in a person they judge as laziness. In the meantime, they should also consider the positive aspects of their inner laziness and that of others. If you have a problem in this regard, you can get help from counselors and psychologists.

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