Ways to get rid of your wife's ugly habits

Ways to get rid of ugly and wrong habits of the wife

When two people get married, surely some of their behavior and habits are not pleasant for their spouses, and they should try to correct them. If you want to know how you can help your spouse leave their ugly habits, join us.

There are some wrong habits that can be ugly for your spouse and even continuing these habits and not leaving them, may lead to the destruction of your marriage.

In the first days and months of marriage, couples have a high ability to adapt due to the influx of hormones into their bodies, so if you see a certain behavioral habit in your spouse that is disgusting and not pleasant to you, instead of being embarrassed, kindly ask him to change it. to change Of course, it is much easier to change your spouse's ugly habits in the first 6 months of the relationship. In the following years, you can no longer tolerate his behavior.

There are some habits that are harmful to a person's health and on the other hand they seriously annoy you, for example, smoking and nail biting, which need to be accompanied step by step like a friend. Since habits are not formed overnight, you should not expect to leave them overnight.

Some ugly habits of a wife:

- Touches his nose or ears in front of guests.

- When he enters the house, instead of washing his socks along with his hands and face, he throws his socks in the corner of the house.

- He throws his clothes instead of hanging them on the hanger in the middle of the room.

- He puts his feet on the table.

- He does not make the bed in the morning.

- Does not close the shampoo or toothpaste door after use.

Maybe these habits are natural for the person and he doesn't dislike them at all, but they are unpleasant for the other party and their repetition leads to getting on the nerves of the other party and as a result raising arguments and creating fights.

Wife's ugly habits, ways to get rid of wife's ugly habits, get rid of wife's bad habits

Empathize with your wife to get rid of her bad habits

Techniques to get rid of the wife's ugly habits

Do you also complain about your wife's bad habits? How many times have you warned him, explained, teased him, but your problem has not been solved?

How many times have you been embarrassed in public because of your wife's bad habits and you have warned her in private or reminded her in public but it had no effect?

It is better to change your way so that you can help your wife to leave her ugly habits and restore peace to your soul and your marriage.

Think logically with yourself

In the first step, you should think with yourself quite logically and fairly whether you are obsessed or your spouse's habit is really unpleasant. You are obsessed with cleanliness and order, or your spouse has unhygienic habits and is sloppy.

• Does the lack of cleanliness and disorder in other places make you anxious?

• When you describe your wife's bad habit to others, do they agree with you about the unpleasantness of her behavior or do they say that you are holding her back too much?

• If the answers to these questions are against your initial thinking, then it is likely that your wife's habit is not too unpleasant and you are obsessed with her behavior.

Ways to get rid of bad habits of wife

Be patient to get rid of your spouse's bad habits

If you are jealous of your wife's bad habit and she gets angry, calm yourself down first and then explain to her what effect her bad habit has on your mood and the result of her behavior and the reason why you want her to leave it.

Unilateral change is not possible, both of you should think about creating compatibility between yourselves. If you are newly married, you should know that for the first 6 months to a year of life, your spouse has a very high flexibility ability, so try not to get too intimate with each other and do not introduce sloppiness and disorganization into your life and a series of behavior and order and Define the arrangement in the house and your behavior from the beginning so that it becomes a habit for both of you.

You are no longer single and you both certainly have behaviors that are unpleasant for your partner and you need to work on getting along and both of you embrace the changes you need to make in order to stay together and show them with feedback. With these habits, gradually abandon both the habits that are unpleasant for your wife and strengthen the habits that are pleasant for her.

Empathize with your spouse

Remember that your wife's upbringing was different and her habits were formed in the family over a long period of time. You find the root of your wife's ugly habit so that you can adjust her behavior by empathizing with her. Your wife does not do these things to annoy you, but simply repeats her wrong behavior out of habit.

We all have bad habits, show him that you know how hard it is to break a habit and don't expect an overnight miracle from him. Do not act in such a way that his masculinity is questioned and he feels childish.

Find the reasons for his behavior

Some habits are created completely unconsciously and can be the result of stress and fatigue. You need to find the cause of his habit so that you can eliminate this unpleasant habit forever. Observe him while he is doing his bad habit and see how he feels so you can find the cause.

Do not play the role of his parents

Being overly strict or taunting may work in the short term, but in the long term, it will make your wife shy away from the responsibility of keeping the house tidy. On the other hand, if you take it upon yourself to correct her mistakes, for example, close the toothpaste door yourself and tidy the bed every day, your wife will not face the consequences of her work and will continue to be sloppy.

Do not label your spouse

Try not to label your wife as irresponsible, inattentive, sloppy and lazy due to her unpleasant habits. Labeling makes the person catch their guard and tries to retaliate and weakens your emotional relationship and leads to arguments and fights and you get caught in an endless whole. It is better to respectfully tell him the unpleasant feeling that his behavior gives you.

Show him that this habit is bad for him too

Many people do not realize that their habits can have a bad effect on their personality and change the view of others towards them or become a problem for their health, and it is you who must show them the consequences of their behavior.

Show him that the least consequence of changing his behavior is your good mood and, as a result, the good mood of your life.

Replace a good habit

Some bad habits will not go away and you have to replace them with something else. For example, if your wife has a habit of overeating, try to persuade her to put a bowl of fruit on the table instead of buying and keeping all kinds of snacks, cakes and sweets. And whenever he feels like eating fruit or if you want him not to bite his nails, make him busy doing something else.

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