Acupressure and helping to treat various body diseases

In what areas is acupressure medicine useful and what are its uses for our health? 

Do you know this type of medicine, its treatment methods are used for which diseases, massage and pressing points of the body by this medicine can solve many problems of our body. treat

Sinus problems and infections are among the common diseases that affect the lives of many people, and usually the drug treatments that are recommended for it have not been very successful. For many years, acupressure has replaced other treatments to treat many pains and diseases and has had positive effects.

Acupressure is a medicine derived from acupuncture, but instead of using needles, fingers are used. It is said that there are hundreds of points in the body that pressing and massaging them play an important role in the treatment of many pains and diseases. When performing acupressure, the body should be in a completely comfortable state and in complete relaxation.

Acupressure can be useful in treating the problem of frequent runny nose, and by massaging certain parts of the nose, it can be controlled. In addition to controlling runny nose, acupressure is very effective in controlling other problems such as sore throat, headache, cold and sinus pain.

To eliminate sinus infections and problems, it is enough to sit quietly and keep your body in a comfortable and relaxed state. Do not cross your legs. Before you begin, warm up your hands by rubbing them together for a minute or two. This will increase the energy in your hands and make them more ready to massage. Take a few deep breaths and place your hands on the parts of your face where you feel pain. The points of the hand that are very suitable for acupressure are:

Inside the thumb to treat sore throat

Index finger to relieve abdominal pain

Middle finger to relieve fatigue

The last finger to cure headache

The last finger to control anxiety, decrease appetite, fatigue and high blood pressure

The upper part of the thumb is also very effective for pain and sinus infections, coughs, colds, sore throats and digestive problems.

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