Natural ways in the process of an excellent and comfortable delivery

The child's due date is an estimation process. Many women give birth 2 weeks before or after this due date, it is recommended that women wait until at least 39 weeks to give birth.

The best thing to do is to let Mother Nature decide when the baby will be born. In a 2011 study, 201 women who had recently given birth were examined from the perspective of the home birth process. Of the participants, 50% had tried the natural way to get started. If you're going 40 weeks, here are some natural ways to get things going.

Of course, most of these methods are anecdotal and there is no hard evidence to prove them, so you should always consult your doctor before trying any of these methods. According to dkhealthline, your midwife or doctor may not believe that these methods are effective, but they will guide you if they are safe.

Exercise during childbirth

Exercising even as much as a long walk can increase the heart rate. Even if it doesn't work, it's a great way to de-stress and energize your body for the task at hand.


Theoretically, there are several reasons why intercourse induces labor. For example, sexual activity, especially having an orgasm, releases oxytocin, which helps initiate uterine contractions, and for pregnant women who have sex, prostaglandin hormones in semen may help open the cervix. It is safe to have sex during the last weeks of pregnancy, but you should not have sex after the water sac ruptures because it increases the risk of infection.

Nipple stimulation during childbirth

Stimulation of the nipple with the contraction of the uterus helps to start the labor process. Nipple stimulation stimulates the production of oxytocin. Oxytocin is a hormone that causes the uterus to contract and milk to come out of the breast. Breast stimulation can be an effective method to induce and speed up the labor process, avoid medical induction and reduce the amount of postpartum bleeding.

Acupuncture during childbirth

Acupuncture has been used for thousands of years, although the exact method of its operation is still unknown. In Chinese medicine, it is believed to balance the body's vital energy, as well as stimulate changes in hormones or the nervous system. Keep in mind that acupuncture should only be performed by a licensed acupuncturist. In a 2013 randomized controlled trial in Denmark, more than 400 women underwent prenatal acupuncture, hymenectomy, or both. The main benefit of acupuncture is to increase cervical tear.


Some doctors believe that acupressure helps to start labor. Before using acupressure, make sure you get proper guidance from a trained acupuncturist. Even if acupressure does not cause labor, it is still considered an excellent method to reduce pain and discomfort during labor.

Castor oil during childbirth

Drinking a small amount of castor oil, for example 29.57 to 59.14 ml, stimulates the release of prostaglandin, which helps the cervix to open and labor to begin. It is recommended to do this under the supervision of a midwife or doctor, and you should be careful about the amount you drink.

Eating dates during childbirth

Research shows that eating dates during the last weeks of pregnancy helps in the onset of labor, the opening and dilation of the cervix, and reduces the need to use pitocin (a synthetic version of the pregnancy hormone oxytocin) during labor.

Red raspberry leaf tea

Midwives often recommend drinking red raspberry leaf tea as your due date approaches. Tea strengthens the uterus in preparation for childbirth. Even if it has no effect in this case, it helps in keeping the body hydrated.

The benefits of waiting for spontaneous labor to begin

Most pregnant women at 40 weeks are most likely ready to give birth and hold their baby. However, there are many expectations until the body naturally decides to give birth. Women who are not induced usually recover faster than those who are. More time means mother and baby will be discharged from the hospital sooner. Babies born after full term pregnancies have other benefits.

More time to build muscle and strength

Reduced risk of low blood sugar, infection and jaundice

Improved breathing in babies who are born even 2 weeks early experience twice as many complications

Better nutrition after birth

Increased brain growth as the brain grows a third of its size between weeks 35 and 40

Let the body do its work for a few more days and rest as much as possible. We know that's easier said than done when you're 9 months pregnant. You and the baby will soon need all your energy!

In the end

Before trying anything that might induce labor, talk to your doctor about possible risks or side effects. Although some of these procedures are popular among pregnant women, little scientific evidence supports their effectiveness. In most cases, it's best to let your child decide their due date, even if it means waiting another week or two.

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