Briefly about gonorrhea

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What is gonorrhea?

Gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted infection that can affect both women and men. It can be cured.

How can you do that?

bacterium called Neisseria gonorrhoeae. It can be transmitted between people through oral, vaginal or anal sex. Gonorrhea does not come in contact with different objects (eg toilet seat).

How can it be detected?

The symptoms of the disease depend on the localization of the disease and the sex of the patient.

 Common symptoms in women:

  1. Vaginal itching

   2. Abnormal vaginal discharge

   3.Burning or pain when urinating

   4. Discharge from the back of the body or constipation

   5.Painful action of the intestines

 Common symptoms in men:

   1. Pain when urinating

   2. Milky discharge from the penis

   3. Pain and swelling in one of the testicles

How will you be diagnosed?

For diagnosis you should go to the clinic where you will need to take a vaginal smear (in case of women) or collect urine (in case of men).

Also, when dealing with one of the sexually transmitted diseases in the form of gonorrhea, doctors are paying attention to other communicable diseases such as HIV, chlamydia, hepatitis B, trichomoniasis and syphilis.

What can happen if you do not treat?

Without treatment gonorrhea can cause serious complications in both men and women:

   Female infertility (cause - pelvic inflammatory disease caused by gonorrhea)

   Male infertility (cause - gonorrhea-induced epididymitis)

   Arthritis and joint infection (cause - spread of gonorrhea in the blood)

What to do if you are pregnant?

Infection can lead to premature birth or miscarriage. Also, the infection can be transmitted directly to the newborn at the time of delivery and can cause eye damage and vision problems (conjunctivitis). If you think you are infected and pregnant at the same time, contact your doctor immediately to confirm the diagnosis and treatment.

How should you treat it?

Treatment tactics are the same for both sexes. Most experts rightly recommend one-time antibiotic therapy with tablets and injections.

If symptoms persist after treatment, be sure to see your doctor to diagnose antibiotic-resistant gonorrhea or other sexually transmitted infections.

It is necessary to inform, research and treat the sexual partner - if necessary. In some cases, your doctor may prescribe treatment for both partners.

You should abstain from sex until you are cured, as gonorrhea can be transmitted multiple times.

How to avoid it?

   Condom use in men during sexual intercourse.

   Abstinence from sex when you or your partner have abnormal discharge from the genitals or burning when urinating.

   Testing for sexually transmitted diseases.

   Timely consultation with a doctor in case of symptoms.

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