Jogging and Interval Exercises

"If you want to be strong - run, you want to be beautiful - run, you want to be smart - run." - These words were engraved on a huge stone in Greece two thousand years ago.

Jogging is a really unique and irreplaceable way to always be in the best shape and have an elevated mood. As investigated 15 minutes of jogging relieves tension much better than antidepressants. As a result of jogging and physical activity, a person changes his attitude towards himself, develops a belief in his own ability. In addition, those who are regularly engaged in jogging are characterized by a positive attitude towards life. It has been reported that after a 30-minute (or more) mileage, there is a feeling of happiness (euphoria), which is the result of increased pituitary work that produces endorphins called happiness hormones. At equal doses they are 200 times more effective than morphine! Endorphins cause a natural feeling of bliss, have an analgesic effect and their action lasts for 0.5-1 hours. Thus, jogging is an unusual way to fight depression and increase mental potential. In addition, it strengthens the heart, improves lung function, increases muscle mass and burns fat well.

Jogging enthusiasts clear their minds quite well after training. The alternation of mental and physical loads is well reflected in the ability to work and savvy. However, sports lovers are much relieved of negative energy and tension, so they can cope with mental loads quite easily and quickly.


1. This is the easiest and most natural type of fitness.

2. In this kind of sport you are not dependent and ridden on the gym or on any kind of inventory. Here you will decide - when, for how long, how often and with intensity. However for undisciplined and disorganized people it can even be a negative moment.

3. Jogging in nature or in the park will make you feel one with nature, relieving you of daily worries.

4. Depending on how fast you run, you can burn between 500 and 800 calories per hour.

5. As scientists have calculated, jogging three times a week for one hour is equivalent to 24 hours of starvation.

6. You take deep breaths while jogging, so your body absorbs large amounts of oxygen, at the expense of which it effectively burns fat stores.

7. Appetite is reduced after jogging, so eat in smaller portions than at other times.

8. During jogging all the muscles are involved, as a result of which they come in tone.

9. Jogging in any weather - it is the relaxation of the body, which increases the ability to resist the cold.

10. Regular jogging boosts the immune system, thinking and memory, as well as halves the risk of death from heart, cancer and other diseases.

11. Jogging strengthens the heart muscle, develops the lungs, improves metabolism, activates the work of the liver.

12. American scientists have been observing 500 people of different ages running in the morning for 20 years. They confirmed that these people had much fewer health problems with age and were able to maintain an active lifestyle over a longer period of time. As a result of regular jogging, they slowed down the aging process and consequently increased their life expectancy.

According to health indicators, jogging lovers look 10 years younger than their peers.

So, if you decide to go jogging, then first of all you will definitely need comfortable sports clothes and good boots. The choice of boots is quite important. It must be well fixed to the foot and must be specially designed for jogging to protect yourself from foot injuries.

Before starting jogging it is necessary to warm up, do stretching, avoid running at a low pace.

It is good for beginners to alternate between brisk walking and jogging, increasing the distance and pace slowly.

You need to breathe evenly and deeply if you have difficulty breathing - slow down. You should enjoy jogging and not get bored.

Generally, it has long been accepted as a "golden rule" that long-term low-intensity tiring aerobic exercise was necessary to lose weight. Of course, long distance jogging has its advantages and consequences, but this type of load is absolutely unacceptable for people who are less trained and overweight. That is why interval cardio is more popular today.

Interval training involves accelerating and slowing down the pace over certain periods of time - this is one of the best ways to burn more calories while jogging.

What is the effectiveness of such an exercise?

We know that the faster you run, the more calories you burn. However, maintaining sprint speed for a long time is unrealistic. That is why they resort to interval training. It is known that after 1-2 minutes of fast jogging, for 5-7 minutes the body does not feel that the acceleration is over and releases again the same amount of energy as it did during the acceleration. That is, by alternating a 2-minute sprint and a 5-minute brisk walk, a person will burn as many calories as they would during a 7-minute brisk run.

It is calculated that 65 kg. A weight woman can burn 700 calories as a result of one 40 minute interval workout! Approximately the same amount is spent on a 2 hour routine of traditional type jogging.

For example, the distribution of interval training:

5 minutes - a quick step

2 minutes - sprint

5 minutes - a quick step

2 minutes - medium step

2 minutes - sprint

5 minutes - a quick step

2 minutes - medium step

2 minutes - sprint

5 minutes - a quick step

2 minutes - sprint

5 minutes - a quick step

3 minutes - average step

When is jogging better, morning or evening?

There is a lot of debate about this, especially whether jogging in the morning is beneficial. There are people who have been running in the morning for years (I am one of them) and have wonderful results in terms of health, and for some it is more comfortable to work out in the evening. I think in this case it is better to listen to your body and decide that way.

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