Carrot face mask and face pack to get extra glowing skin

It would be wrong to say only winter vegetables, carrots are a vegetable that is available almost all year round. Carrots have a lot of nutrients that are very beneficial for both our body and skin. The anti-oxidants and vitamins present in carrots will help to make the skin beautiful from the inside out by preventing acne and sagging skin. Not only this, with the help of anti-oxidants and vitamins, you can get rid of sunburn on your skin and at the same time, it will help you to become beautiful by removing unwanted wrinkles, dark spots and skin color imbalances.

My article today is not just about what skin problems you can get rid of by eating carrots, today I will tell you about some homemade masks and packs of carrots that will help you realize your dream of extra glowing skin. You can get Extra Glowing by following any recipe you want from the face masks and packs below.

Carrot Face Mask and Face pack Recipe for Extra Glowing Skin:

(1) Carrot, lemon, honey and olive oil face mask

Whatever it takes

-2 o'clock was well boiled and chopped carrots.

-1 teaspoon fresh lemon juice.

-2 tablespoons honey.

-1 tablespoon olive oil (if your skin is oily then refrain from giving olive oil)

Make a nice smooth paste of all the ingredients together and apply it on your cleansed face. Leave it like this for 30 minutes and wash your face with warm water. Try using this face mask at least twice a week and your skin will start to glow.

(2) Carrot, papaya and milk face pack

Whatever it takes

-2 tablespoons carrot paste.

-2 tablespoons papaya paste.

-1 tablespoon milk.

Mix these 3 ingredients together and apply on your skin and wait for 20 minutes. Then rinse your face with lukewarm water. Within a few weeks of using this pack, you will notice the difference in the glow of your skin.

(3) Carrot and honey face pack

Whatever it takes

-1 tablespoon carrot juice.

-1 table spoon of honey.

Shake well in a bowl of carrot juice and honey and apply on your face with the help of a cotton ball. It is good for pulses and dry skin. This pack will moisturize your skin as well as increase skin radiance.

(4) Carrot, Cinnamon and Honey Face pack

Whatever it takes

- 1 tablespoon of carrot juice.

-2 tablespoons honey.

-2 pinch of cinnamon powder.

Mix all the ingredients well and apply on your clean skin. Wash off after 20 minutes. This is ideal for those who have acne and pimples on their skin, as this pack will increase the glow of the skin and also reduce pimples.

(5) Carrot, yogurt, besan and turmeric face mask

Whatever it takes

-1 carrot paste.

-2 tablespoons yogurt.

-1 table spoon besan.

-3 pinch turmeric powder.

When all these mixtures are mixed together, a thick paste will form. Now apply the paste well on your skin and wash it off after 20 minutes. This mask will act as an exfoliator on the skin. It will heal uneven skin tone, smooth the skin and help lift dead cells. If you use this mask for a month as a rule, your skin will increase its beauty several times with your extra glow.

Benefits of carrot packs and masks

* Carrots will act as anti-oxidant anti-aging.

* Carrots will hold the skin moisturizer.

* Carrots help speed up the skin cell renewal process.

* Vitamin A and beta carotene in carrots brightens the skin.

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