Psychotherapy and everything you need to know about the process

What is psychotherapy?

Psychotherapy means psychotherapy. In the process of psychotherapy, the therapist tries to improve behavioral problems and disorders.

At the beginning of this process, the status and conditions of the person under treatment should be determined and then planning for the treatment plan should be done at a certain time.

Of course, you should know that psychotherapy is different from counseling and has specialized steps, but counseling mostly solves problems with small conversations and exercises.

Psychotherapy has different methods, each of which has its own specific application, which is performed in specific situations and based on the diagnosis of an experienced therapist.

Types of psychotherapy methods

Cognitive behavioral therapy

One of the methods of psychotherapy is cognitive behavioral therapy. In this method, incompatible beliefs and behaviors are identified, and then the therapist changes the person's thought patterns with the solutions he provides so that the patient's thought patterns become more balanced over time.

In this method, the focus is on the disorders that currently exist and examines the wrong knowledge that a person has about himself and cultivates the person's mind to transform these false beliefs into correct patterns.

Analytical psychotherapy

In this psychotherapy method, a person's behavior and emotions are examined. In analytical psychotherapy with revealing techniques, the following goals are pursued

Psychotherapy and everything you need to know about the process

The feelings and thoughts that affect the person are examined.

Appropriate methods are used to treat a person in a situation.

It reveals the person's unconscious and controls his mind.

In this method, the therapist tries to know the unconsciousness of the person and identify the symptoms of his illness and then inform the person about his unconsciousness and then the next steps of treatment.

Dynamic psychotherapy

Dynamic psychotherapy or analytical psychotherapy is a method in which the therapist uses analytical methods based on scientific evidence for psychotherapy.

In this method, the therapist, without using psychoanalysis, turns unconscious feelings into conscious ones and forces you to express whatever comes to your mind.

The therapist asks the person to sit in a relaxed position on a chair in front of the therapist and the treatment session begins. Usually, treatment sessions are done 2 times a week.

Behavioral therapy is one of the most common methods of psychotherapy and is done to transform unhealthy behaviors into healthy ones, which is accompanied by rewards and strengthening our sense of self-awareness. In this method, the patient is confronted with the things he is afraid of so that he can deal with them with the methods taught by the therapist.

Interpersonal psychotherapy

Psychotherapy and everything you need to know about the process

In this method of psychotherapy, the relationship between the person with his family members, friends and colleagues is examined and the therapist controls the way he deals with the people around him and if there is a problem with the person's behavior, he guides him to solve the problem.

Holistic psychotherapy

In holistic psychotherapy, the therapist uses this method to observe its effect on the person in order to find out how much its benefits are compared to other methods. This method is mostly used for the survival of children.

Psychotherapy and everything you need to know about the process

Existential psychotherapy

Existential psychotherapy is used to treat behavioral, emotional and personality disorders. This method is based on a conversation, and along with it, an expert evaluation is done on the feelings and behavior of the person.

After the patient's condition is determined, a plan is designed for the patient and specialized treatment begins.

In this method, specialized techniques are used to create a person's psychological balance and it is different from counseling. In counseling, most of the conversation is done in order to make the person aware. But in existential psychotherapy, the therapist engages the person's body and mind and eliminates his disorders in a completely professional manner.

In this method, the therapist uses different psychotherapies to find out which method has better results on the patient. Psychotherapy and everything you need to know about the process of doing it

Conscious Application Psychotherapy

Conscious application psychotherapy is used in clinical psychology. In this method, the patient's mind is controlled and his daily habits such as sleep time, feeding time, breathing and heart rate are treated.


One of the most popular methods of psychotherapy is hypnosis, hypnosis communicates with the unconscious mind and is a fast and practical method. This method is usually used in cases where the person's illness is not acute.

For example, this method is sometimes not responsive in people who have failed in love or bipolar people, and it may even give the opposite result, which is dangerous.

But hypnosis is very suitable for treating problems such as personal obsession or increasing concentration.

This method is used as a complement to other treatment methods and it may not have an effect on its own, but it can directly have a positive effect on the unconscious.

Psychotherapy and everything you need to know about the process


Finally, the number of psychoanalytic sessions is 5 sessions of 2 hours and the therapist has a lesser role in these sessions. In this method, the person lies on a surface.

The purpose of this type of treatment is personal growth and elimination of internal conflict.

Psychoanalysis is based on analytical psychotherapy.

Counselors who consider childhood events to be the cause of current behavioral disorders analyze these problems with this method and seek to understand a person's experiences and interpret his behaviors from childhood until now.

Psychoanalysis is an expensive method, but it is very useful and practical.

In this method, by providing a safe and calm environment, the person can easily share his thoughts and feelings with the therapist.

In this way, you can accept the painful past and deal with the problems of the past.

By accepting problems, you try to solve them.

Psychotherapy and everything you need to know about the process

Choosing the right therapist for psychotherapy

Research the consultation fee, can you afford it?

Be sure to go to a person who has a business license and a therapist's license.

First you need to determine the gender of your therapist, are you more comfortable with a male therapist or a female therapist?

You must be able to establish a good relationship with your therapist and feel confident and calm so that you can openly share your problems with him.

The therapist you choose must have enough experience and education.

Is the type of treatment used compatible with your mood?

You should discuss which method is right for you with your therapist.

Can he communicate with you well?

The goal of psychotherapy

If you suffer from mental problems, the best thing to do is to go to psychotherapy.

Psychotherapy teaches you how to understand past events and realize their impact on your condition and behavior and adapt yourself to the present.

The purpose of psychotherapy is to change harmful behavioral patterns, improve the sense of worth, and resolve individual conflicts.

A person may feel stressed in the first sessions, but the psychotherapist can gain his trust with some methods.

The more comfortable and intimate the patient feels with his therapist. More useful psychotherapy sessions will be held.

Psychotherapy and everything you need to know about the process

Psychotherapy applications

The main application of psychotherapy is to treat the following problems:

1- Schizophrenia

2- depression

3- addiction

4- Personality disorders and problems

5- Anxiety problems including phobia, obsession and panic

6- Binge eating or anorexia nervosa

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