Basics of good health

Sadguru is discussing the three basic things that you need to look at to create good health.

# 1 Eating right

Sadguru: When it comes to food, the important thing you need to be aware of is how fast any type of food is digested and becomes a part of your body. If you eat something and it is not digested within three hours, then you should either avoid that food or eat less. If the food leaves your stomach within three hours, even if the food is not the best, your body is able to easily digest at least that food.

Without eating anything in between, if you keep a clear interval of five to six hours between two meals, every cell of your body will be purified. This purification at the cell level is most important for a healthy life. If you are over 30 years old, a good meal twice a day will suffice for you - once in the morning and once in the evening.

Sleep should be three hours after the evening meal. If it involves twenty to thirty minutes of light physical activity, such as a little walking, your body will be much healthier. If you go to bed with food in your stomach, it will create a numbness in your body. Physically, this inertia accelerates you to death. Death is the ultimate inertia.

Another thing is, if you go to bed immediately after eating, it puts pressure on other parts of your body. This will cause various problems. Therefore, it is very important that the food you eat comes out of your stomach before you go to sleep. When sleeping in different positions, your stomach should not put pressure on other parts of your body.

# 2 Use your body

When it comes to work, one thing we should keep in mind is that we should be able to bend our body forward, backward or in different directions. Either way, this is a must have, for any Affiliate, promoting any program. Classical Hatha Yoga is the best way to do this and it is scientific. If Hatha Yoga is not yet a part of your life, then you must make sure that every day you are able to somehow be able to bend the body forward, backward, sideways and stretch the spine. If you want to keep your whole body healthy - especially the nervous system, then it is important for everyone, otherwise it will become a problem with age.

# 3 Get enough rest  but not too much....!

How much rest a person needs is determined by a variety of factors. An important factor is the type and amount of food you are eating. You must try different types of foods, which ones make you feel heavier and which ones make you feel lighter and fresher. If you make sure that 40% of your diet consists of fresh vegetables and fruits, your body will feel lighter.

What the body needs is a state of rest, not sleep. Sleep is the only way to rest, it is a misconception to think. You can even rest while sitting or standing or be excited or inert. If you rest in a vibrant state at every moment of life, you will see, the amount of sleep you need will decrease.

Five levels of the body

In addition we see the human system as having five levels. Every aspect of the human system, including the mind, is considered the body, and the technology to transform it is yoga. These five layers of the body are called food cells, mind cells, life cells, science cells and joy cells.

Food means food. Your physical body or food cells are basically the food you eat - whether it is big or small, you like, but the body is actually a pile of food. Just as there is a ghostly body made up of material collected from the outside, there is also a mental body. The mind is not a specific organ of the body - every cell of the body has its own specific memory and intelligence. This mental body is known as the psychic cell. The physical body is the hardware and the mental body is the software.

Hardware and software will not work properly unless you transmit the right amount of energy to it. The third layer of the body is called the living cell or the living body. The physical body, the mental body, and the soul body, are all bounded by physical boundaries, but they are located at different levels of subtlety. In terms of analogy, you can clearly see that the electric bulb is physical. But the light it emits is also physical. Again, the electrical energy behind it is also physical. Bulbs, lights and electricity - all are physical, with varying degrees of subtlety. In the same way, the physical body, the mental body, and the soul body - all have physical but subtle differences.

The next layer of the body is the variable, known as the scientific cell. It helps in the transition from ghost to non-ghost. It does not carry any ghostly qualities, but at the same time it is not completely ghostly. The fifth level is called the blissful cell, which in English stands for ‘bliss body’ or blissful body. This does not mean that there is a bubble of joy in you. We call it the blissful body for the reason that we feel, whenever we touch it we become full of ecstasy. Bliss is not the nature of bliss, it is the effect it creates for us. The blissful cell is the source of all that is material, whatever it is.

If you can bring proper harmony and balance between the physical body, the mental body and the soul body, you will not have any physical or mental illness. I can show you hundreds of thousands of people who have come out of their health problems, especially chronic illness and mental problems, only by making the necessary adjustments among themselves. The inconsistency between them causes all kinds of problems.

If you can only adjust to these first three layers of the body, then there will be a way and possibility to touch the colorful cells, where being in ecstasy will become a normal state. Not happy for anything special, just happy, because that is the nature of life.

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