Healthy Foods That Are Good For The Body And Important To Know

A variety of healthy foods that are good for your body

You may often hear advice on eating healthy foods. Actually, what is the meaning of healthy food? 

What foods belong to healthy foods?

According to the Ministry of Health, the meaning of healthy food is basically a food that contains nutrients that can make you feel full, healthy, and energetic. Nutrition in question, namely protein, carbohydrates, fats, water, vitamins, and minerals.

Types of healthy foods based on their meaning

Based on the above definition of healthy food, there are five main groups of foods in question. The healthy food groups below should be on your daily food menu.

1. Cereals

Rice, wheat, and processed products fall into the category of healthy cereal foods. However, you should choose cereals made from whole grains because these foods are still rich in fiber that can maintain the health of the digestive system.

2. Vegetables

All kinds of vegetables, especially green vegetables, are healthy foods that should be on your daily menu. These ingredients can be consumed raw or cooked in various ways, such as sauteed, steamed, baked, and others.

3. Fruits

It is best to choose whole fruit that is still fresh compared to fruit juice and dried fruit. Fruits are usually consumed as a healthy snack, such as bananas in the morning, apples for lunch, and berries for afternoon snacks.

4. Vegetable and animal proteins

This one nutrient can come from both animals and plants. Animal protein comes from beef, lamb, goat, pork, chicken, duck, fish, and eggs. While vegetable protein comes from pods (beans and friends), nuts (red beans etc.), and grains including its processed products (tempeh, tofu, and others.

5. Milk and its alternative products

All dairy products and their preparations (yogurt and cheese) are good sources of healthy food for the body. Milk circulating in the market is usually made from cow's milk. But if you have allergies or lactose intolerance, the alternative is to consume milk made from soybeans or almonds.

Tips to eat healthy food

After knowing the meaning of healthy food and the menu contained in it, there are some tips so that the nutrients in the food can be maximized by the body, namely:

Make your carbohydrate source a healthy food rich in fiber. Carbohydrates are found in rice, potatoes, bread, pasta, and cereals. While the source of carbohydrates with higher fiber content is found in whole wheat cereals, red rice, and potatoes that are still skinny.

Consume fruits and vegetables as much as possible.

Choose animal protein from the sea, including fish that contain good fats, such as salmon, mackerel, and sardines. You can also consume fish with a little fat, such as tuna and cod.

Limit the consumption of saturated sugars and fats, such as fries, cakes, fast food, and frozen foods. Too much saturated fat consumption will cause an increase in cholesterol leading to various heart diseases, while excessive sugar consumption can lead to obesity to tooth decay.

Limit salt consumption to a maximum of 6 grams or about 1.5 teaspoons per day for adults.

Support healthy food consumption with active movement and exercise. Also make sure you have an ideal weight.

Normally, the body needs 6-8 glasses per day, including white water, juice, even coffee, tea, and alcoholic beverages.

Make sure you never miss breakfast, even when you are trying to lose weight. Breakfast with a healthy diet will make your body get enough of the nutrients it needs to be active throughout the day.

Ideal meal time

In addition to the type and nutritional needs contained, healthy foods should also be supported with proper consumption time. It is important to know that to avoid ulcers that can occur if you miss the ideal meal.


Breakfast is a very important - it can either make your day. Concentration and energy, can be formed from a healthy and nutritious breakfast to improve brain function. Breakfast is ideally served from 06.00 to 09.45 in the morning.


A study in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that people who eat lunch regularly can maintain an ideal weight. Lunch should be done from 12.00 noon to 15.00 pm.


To gain an ideal and healthy weight, you should have dinner starting at 17.00 pm and no later than 19.00 pm.

By eating healthy foods, your body's health can be maintained. Combine exercise regularly to get the most out of your health.

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