Ten healthy eating tips for kids

It is not always easy to encourage your children to eat a balanced diet.

10. have breakfast

Eating breakfast, even with just a banana and a glass of milk, gets your day off to a quick start and makes it easier for the body to maintain a stable energy level throughout the day.

If you can get your kids to get into the habit of eating breakfast at an early age, this good habit will continue for life.

9.Choose healthier snacks

eating oranges for snack

It's easy to turn to chips or biscuits when you want to have a snack for you and your kids, but generally they are low in nutrients and high in calories.

Instead, try filling your cabinets with healthier snacks like fruit, unsalted nuts, and plain yogurt.

8.Drink water

girl drinking a glass of water

Choose water at meals, consider fruit juices and sweet drinks as occasional treats.

While juice contains valuable nutrients and provides high energy for the active body during growth, children should first resort to water, not sugar-sweetened drinks when they are thirsty.

7. Grow your own food

harvesting carrots

Growing vegetables and fresh herbs at home can be a fun way to teach kids where food comes from and to encourage them to eat richer in variety.

They are more likely to get at least one bite of broccoli or carrots if they have helped planting and harvesting. If you do not have a garden, it can be equally effective to grow it in a box that you put in front of the window. 

6.Eat together

mother and children eating together

It can be tempting to eat in front of the TV, skip lunch at your office desk, and grab a bite on the go.

If you can encourage your kids to eat regularly at the table with you, this will not only reduce snacking but also give them valuable social skills.

5. Have fun in the kitchen

two girls baking in the kitchen

When they participate in the cooking phase, children are more likely to exhibit desired nutritional behaviors. 

As they grow and their self-esteem grows, let them cook dinner once a week. If the thought of kids in the kitchen sounds like an invitation to disaster, consider enrolling them in cooking classes during the school holidays.

4. Slow down

girl eating slowly

Eating slowly is a great way to control weight at any age. 

Although we like that children finish their meals in minutes, it is extremely important for them to learn how to slow down and chew their meals properly.

3.Be creative

creative meal

All the vibrant colors in fruits and vegetables come from natural plant chemicals that have healthy effects for our body. Different colors have different effects, so it's good to consume a variety of colors every day.

Offer your kids colorful snacks of different fruits and berries or chop the vegetables into interesting ways to look more fun and exciting.

2. Learning when to stop

Although children are born with the ability to stop when they are full, it is often difficult for parents to understand whether their children are consuming the right foods in sufficient quantities.

Asking the children to listen to their bellies and ask them about the amount and quality of food they eat. 

1. Don't give up

little girl messing up her plate of food

Our research shows that most babies and toddlers need to try something new seven to ten times before they like it. So don't be afraid to offer children new or more exotic flavors.

A good tactic to get kids to eat a diverse diet is to tell them that tasting new things is a sign of growing up. You can take them shopping and let them choose a new, healthy food to serve at home with a taste they already love.

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