Weight loss strategies without diets

Most of us have a laid back attitude when it comes to eating and drinking. According to ancient Greek sources, the word "diet" means a way of life.

There are many types of diets available today. Each of them promises the desired results in a short time. Different diets can temporarily bring us success, but anyone who has tried diets will agree that it becomes difficult to maintain weight after completing it. According to statistics, 80% of people still gain weight after dieting.

As it turns out, counting calories is also an inaccurate method because, first of all, no one knows exactly how many calories are in food. The body also handles and uses calories from all types of food in different ways. They are also needed by the body for various metabolic processes, so it is impossible to know how many calories are used and how much is stored in the form of fat. In addition, counting calories throughout the day also causes stress.

Although many things have changed, human physiology is still the same as it was tens of thousands of years ago. Accordingly, he has the same needs and wants - as then. Our body perceives a reduction in food, or diet, as a threat of food shortages. In this case, the body begins to make maximum use of calories in food, slowing down the metabolism, because the body's reserves are maintained. So long and monotonous diets damage our body, slow down metabolism, making it harder to burn fat.

When it comes to weight loss, we must distinguish between "weight" and "fat". In addition to fats, our weight also includes muscle, water, vitamins, minerals and various vital substances. Monotonous diets cause a deficiency of these vital substances, so after diets the appetite is strengthened, which is a prerequisite for weight gain.

Our goal should always be to lose fat and not muscle, water and other vital substances. Balanced favors will help us in this. Burning fats is a merit of proper metabolism.

Each of us has inherited unique genetic information from our ancestors, including the type of metabolism. Some had a fast metabolism, some had a slow one. But genes alone do not determine the rate of metabolism. It is also affected by: gender, age, lifestyle, diet, stress, sleep-wake regime, immobility, hypothyroidism, elevated hormone estrogen, candida, anti-depressant, diuretic and cortisone-containing medications. When starting a healthy lifestyle and diet, these circumstances must be taken into account in order to achieve the desired weight, especially when it is difficult to lose weight.

The body has an internal balance called homeostasis. Since our health depends on this balance, the body always tries to maintain balance with its recovery mechanisms. When the balance is upset, excess weight also arises, hence unwanted weight is not the main problem but a symptom.

Therefore, to achieve the desired results, a weight loss plan should include a healthy strategy to restore balance in the body instead of monotonous diets. Healthy food, proper timing of food intake, hydration, sleep and movement will help you to restore your metabolism and achieve your healthy goals.

healthy food

Our food consists of substances that always push the body to certain actions, including the storage or burning of fat. Any food that triggers the release of large amounts of insulin is aimed at weight gain. Insulin is a glucose (sugar) carrier and storage hormone. When there is a large amount of glucose in the body, it is stored first as a supply and then as fat. One way or another, all types of food cause insulin secretion, but it is especially affected by: sugar and sugar-containing products, refined flour and products made from it, bread, pasta, potatoes, crackers, chips, cakes, sweet fruits, chocolate, rice, alcohol, alcohol Drinks. When insulin is constantly high, it is impossible to burn fat. Vegetables and green lettuce also belong to the group of carbohydrates, but their effect on insulin is small. To help you lose weight: vegetables, lettuce, meat, fish, seafood, eggs, almonds, unrefined, cold-pressed coconut oil, olive oil. Remember that our bodies get energy and resources from our own food. That is why food should be natural, biologically pure and fresh.

Time of food intake

Food intake time is equally important. It is possible to eat the healthiest food, but if you do not set the time correctly, it will be difficult to achieve the desired result. Avoid "snoring" during the day, between meals, as insulin is chronically high at such times. Enjoy breakfast 2 hours after getting up. There should be a 4 hour distance between breakfast and lunch.

6 hours between lunch and dinner. Even between the last dinner and breakfast 14-16 hours. Stop eating at 7 p.m. Such a diet will calm insulin, activate fat burning and improve digestion.


Dehydration is one of the causes of slowing down the metabolism. The more dehydration there is, the more the person feels thirsty, the less sweating there is, and the more intolerant the water becomes. This is due to the fact that when a person does not drink enough water, the body perceives this fact as water deficiency and tries to adapt to existing conditions. Adaptation also slows down the metabolism in order to save water involved in metabolic processes. The amount of water intake depends on a person’s age, sex, health status and lifestyle. It is recommended to drink about 8-10 glasses of water a day. Water also improves the digestive system and detoxification functions.


It will be difficult to activate fat burning without a good night's sleep. During sleep, the human body releases growth hormone, which activates fat burning, restores muscles, bones and strengthens the immune system. In case of insomnia, the secretion of this hormone is delayed, which has a negative effect on metabolism and weight loss. The process of detoxification also takes place in the body during sleep. It is recommended to sleep up to 24 hours. 7-8 hours of restful sleep is one of the main factors in weight loss.


It is enough to observe the structure of our body - flexible arms and legs, ankles, neck, spine, we will see that our body is created for movement. Not only the limbs but also the internal processes of the body depend on movement. Exercise and movement also help regulate blood sugar and insulin, burn fat and shed extra pounds. To improve metabolism and lose weight, it is recommended in the morning, before eating breakfast, low-intensity exercise: aerobics, jogging, yoga, brisk walking, cycling. Intense exercise is recommended for 5-7 hours in the evening.

Any kind of imbalance always points us to the need for change. To restore balance in the body, including weight regulation, it is desirable to make constant changes in diet and lifestyle. Of course, it will be impossible to change everything suddenly, but small changes of a systematic nature will undoubtedly lead to the desired results.

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