How to make your skin before makeup?

You are following all the rules step by step to get the perfect makeup look, but still there is a lack? We all want to adapt ourselves to any program or place. For many, makeup is not only a necessity but also a hobby. But there are many of us who have no end of complaints about this makeup! Using good products, but why the look is not like the mind ?! The question remains. Now the question is, do you just have to use good products? But not that! In addition to using good products, the skin also has a preparation before applying makeup which is very important but we avoid it. In order to create a beautiful makeup look on any skin, the skin must be prepared for it first. How? Let's find out now how to make your skin before makeup!

All you have to do is make your skin before makeup

The face should be cleaned well

Makeup will never sit well on unclean skin, so you must clean your face well before applying makeup. Those who have a problem with blackheads or whiteheads on the skin, they must try to clean the dead cells of the skin by gently rubbing in a circular motion using a scrub or exfoliator. For those who have oily skin, this step is a must. Those who have normal skin, they must clean the skin using facewash. Those who complain, the makeup does not fit properly on our skin, if they follow this step, the makeup will easily fit evenly on the face.

Use toner or take with ice massage

Many of us have no end of worries about getting rid of facial pores. After cleansing the skin using an exfoliator, the pores of our face become enlarged. Toner basically works to bring our pores back to their previous state. There is no reason to worry if you do not have toner at hand! With ice you can easily finish the work of toner. Cleanse the face well, before using the moisturizer, massage the face with ice for a while.

Massage hydrating cream or moisturizer on the face

After cleansing the face using a facewash or exfoliator, our skin becomes much drier. In this case, if you use any makeup products directly, it will not sit properly and will come up. Before makeup, you must massage your face well with a good moisturizer or hydrating cream. By doing this, just as makeup will not accumulate inside the hair follicles, your skin will also be smooth. Especially if all the moisturizers contain vitamin C, try to use a cream or moisturizer. Those who complain, why my makeup is not long lasting, they must not forget to follow this step.

Select makeup products that match the skin

There are many types of makeup products available in the market. All kinds of products that are suitable for all skin types but not! When choosing products you must keep in mind whether it will be good for your skin or not. Find out about your skin type and skintone in advance. Try to select products accordingly. It is better for the skin not to use products that have been around for a long time. Try to look good brand and buy makeup products with a little price. As it will protect the skin from various damages, you will easily get the perfect makeup look.

Primer mast for perfect makeup

We all know more or less how much primer is needed to keep makeup in order for a long time. There is no substitute for using primer, especially for those with oily skin. If you use foundation directly on the face, it can easily become oily after a while. The primer absorbs this excess oil from your mouth and helps to make makeup last longer.

We all like to dress up as we like. If you keep yourself tidy, your mind will be quite good. But with difficulty, even after patiently obeying everything, when the outfit is not pleasing, then the opposite happens. So you must follow these precautions before applying makeup. You will easily get the perfect makeup look, as well as your skin will be beautiful.

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