How to take nutritional supplements healthy and safe?

As interest in health has increased due to the recent Corona 19 outbreak, more and more people are looking for nutrients that help improve immunity and health.

With the development of medicine, the therapeutic effect for diseases is increasing surprisingly, but as time goes by, the claim that the best treatment is prevention is gaining strength. Vitamins help prevent and treat various diseases, and dozens of minerals, although in trace amounts, are essential for life activities. They aren't the protagonists of generating energy or building up the body, but they are hidden talents who coordinate millions of metabolisms. If you recognize nutritional supplements with the concept of replenishing the nutrients you need for your body, look at your lifestyle, and choose your own, you will be able to find your own nutrients that will support your health.

Nutrition, what to choose

Nutritional ingredients are largely divided into vitamins and minerals. Vitamins are organic compounds that play an important role in maintaining normal growth and nutrition, and most are consumed through food. Even if you eat a lot, lack of vitamin intake can cause problems in the metabolism of nutrients in the body or have health problems, which can be seen as the same reason that even if a car is full of fuel, it does not function properly without lubricant.

Minerals are sufficient in trace amounts, but indispensable mineral nutrients include calcium, iron, phosphorus, copper, and zinc. Minerals account for only about 4% of the body's composition, but when absorbed into the body, it plays an important role in regulating all metabolism in the body.

Nutritional supplements can be classified as a single formulation made with one ingredient, a complex formulation made by mixing two or more ingredients, and a comprehensive nutritional product that evenly contains vitamins and minerals. If you want to maintain a healthy lifestyle, but if you want to take more specific ingredients, it is better to choose a single product or a suitable combination product, and if you skip meals frequently or if your meal time is irregular, you may choose a comprehensive nutritional supplement. There are also special nutritional needs for each age and gender. Postmenopausal women at high risk of osteoporosis should take a combination of calcium and vitamin D, and middle-aged men who enjoy alcohol or tobacco should take a combination of vitamins B and C.

When is it best to eat?

Fat-soluble vitamins A·D·E·K are recommended to be taken with meals because absorption is lowered when eaten on an empty stomach. If you take water-soluble vitamins B and C right after a meal, the metabolism of nutrients consumed with food is smooth and the effect can be enhanced. If you have trouble taking fat-soluble and water-soluble vitamins separately, take all vitamins together immediately after meals. However, mineral iron preparations have the highest absorption rate when eaten on an empty stomach.

◇How to take it?

As with food, so is nutrition. Vitamin C helps the body absorb vitamin E quickly and increases its antioxidant effect. Calcium is a mineral that is not easily absorbed by the body, and when eaten with vitamin D, the absorption rate is significantly increased. On the other hand, iron and calcium interfere with each other's absorption, and if you are taking it for therapeutic purposes, you should pay attention to absorption, so it is better to eat at least 1 hour apart. But if you're taking a comprehensive nutritional supplement, don't worry too much.

◇ Problems that can be caused by excessive nutritional intake

Excessive intake of various nutrients just because they are good for the body can strain the organs that metabolize and excrete various substances in our body. Among them, if you are a person with usual liver disease, you should pay special attention to nutritional intake. In the case of vitamins, water-soluble vitamins are easily excreted through urine, etc., even if ingested excessively, but fat-soluble vitamins are not easily excreted out of the body and may be excessively accumulated in the body. Among minerals, excessive intake of magnesium and iron may cause symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea, and indigestion. In particular, excessive intake of calcium may reduce kidney function, so be careful. If you refer to the upper limit intake specified for each nutrient component by the Nutrition Society, it will help to prevent overdose.


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