Is 'X' marrying your 'best friend'? How to maintain friendship! Learn tips

All is well in the life after the break-up?

This time Living Desk: 20 years ago today, even if the boyfriend or girlfriend did not talk to the ex by mistake. Can an ex ever be a friend? This thought was also wrong then. But now the equation of the relationship has changed. Separation with the former is not the end of the relationship. The world has become smaller due to the wealth of social media. As a result, he met everyone once or twice. Maybe your ex later became your colleague. Will you quit your job then? One of your friends may have a good relationship with your ex. If they get married later, won't you gossip? These luxuries do not go away today. That is why many people maintain a good relationship with their mother-in-law even if they do not get along with their husbands. X is married to your one-time best friend, many people face such problems. Here are some tips on how to protect a relationship, how to manage it.

Love or marriage

This generation values   love as much as it values   marriage. They say that life does not end in a love, nor does it end in a marriage. Bonibanatai is real about me. A true friend or a well wisher who wants good from the heart is very important now. Maybe after going somewhere you felt that you were not happy about this, so the separation took place. There is no one-time separation but the relationship does not end.

Friendship is real

Friendship is the most precious relationship. Once upon a time, he fell in love with a school friend for five years. But then the relationship did not last. But now there are many people who take all the advice from him in case of love.

Don't expect

Never expect too much from anyone. This argument, however, also applies to parents. Because if there is expectation, the problem increases. But this expectation is the cause of the child's monogamy with the parents. Problems increase when expectations are not met. Similarly, do not have any expectations on the boyfriend / girlfriend or husband and wife. It is important to remember that it is difficult to be completely dependent on someone.

Do not increase the enemy

If you have a boyfriend / girlfriend problem, it is very personal. Don't go for less that your full potential. Do not even slander one another. This will increase your enemy. No one wants to sit on the ground and eat rice angry with someone. So try to maintain a healthy relationship in the cold head. Rather make the mind generous. Don't be angry. It is desirable to be as good as anyone.

What sociologists say

According to sociologists, family ties are now very different. There is no such emotion as before. The threads of the relationship are also loose. As a result, there are very few relationships that are deep. So if there is a slight discrepancy in the mind, the relationship is being broken now. Also, according to experts, there is no such thing as a best friend. It is not that the friendship will remain intact day after day. The relationship is not going to be very deep most of the time, so maybe there is not much bitterness even after the break-up. There is no difficulty or discomfort in befriending an ex-boyfriend or wife.

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