These 7 lies can keep the foundation of your relationship strong!

Relationships! A small word. But the impact is profound. From the moment we are born into this world, we have developed relationships with many people. So it is not wrong to lie a little to strengthen the bond. Rather, the happiness of the family is due to lies! However, not only the couple, these 7 lies can keep the love relationship strong!

This time Digital Desk: Relationships! A small word. But the impact is profound. From the moment we are born into this world, we have developed relationships with many people. Relationships with parents, relationships with siblings, relationships with other relatives. Some relationships are permanent. But the relationship is very complex and fragile. So despite the depth of love, many times the relationship breaks down for the sake of fragile pride.

Some relationships are broken, but the pair fall together. In many cases it does not happen again. Then I feel very upset. We want your relationship with everyone to be strong. Bad days come about. Strong relationships go through those bad times. So it is not wrong to lie a little to strengthen the bond. Rather, the happiness of the family is due to lies! However, not only the couple, these 7 lies can keep the love relationship strong! Take a look at what they are-

1. Even worse, say the cooking is great - maybe no one likes the cooking of the partner. In that case, telling the truth will make others feel bad. So it is better to lie for the first time! However, if it is a daily matter, then one cooking does not feel good every day - this is how the work goes!

2. Complimenting partner - still jokes about obese people in society. So it would be better not to talk directly about the appearance of the partner!

3. Looks great - praise for each other keeps the foundation of the relationship strong. So if your partner wears something, even if you don't agree with him, the truth cannot be told!

4. Say it is very good to give a gift - if a partner gives a gift, even if you do not like it, it is the rule to praise him, in this case quarrels can be avoided!

5. Even if you don't like it, look at the picture - if your partner wants to see a picture together, no matter how much you dislike it, it is not right to say. It would be better to show interest in this matter!

6. Family Appreciation - Someone in the partner's family may dislike you. But if he wants to go to a domestic event, he should come back and not condemn his family members. Otherwise he is insulted!

7. Haq talks - sometimes not everything is right with the partner. But it is wise to understand the situation and avoid it and say the opposite!

8 Praise for a joke - no joke can get someone else to smile! But revealing that is an insult to his intelligence. So it is better to smile in support of the joke!

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