The use of eggs in skin and hair care

The role of nutritious eggs in a healthy diet is just as important as maintaining a healthy skin and hair glow. But there are various uses of eggs which can be followed a little bit to get rid of almost all skin and hair problems. Rough, frizzy, thinning, soft hair can be free from the problem of facial scars, sagging skin, sagging skin, open pores, dullness, etc., the skin will be hundreds of hands. Wondering how to do it? Very straightforward but!

First take an egg and separate its yolk. This time take the egg white part in a bowl and beat it well with a chopped spoon. When the egg becomes like foam, apply the foam to the whole face like a foam. Remember, wash your face and hands well before applying. Now after 15 minutes, when you see that the skin is tight, wash your face with lukewarm water. This pack will tighten the skin. Will remove the open pores of the mouth very well.

Egg peel off mask:

Eggs and tissue paper can be used to make a very good peel off mask which effectively removes dead skin as well as blackheads and whiteheads. Beat well with 2 egg whites. Now apply this beaten egg in one layer on the face with the help of hand or brush. Now take the facial tissue and press it on the egg. Once it is planted, put another layer of beaten egg on it. When the face is dry and tight, remove the tissue by pulling like a peel off mask. Very simple.

Eggs and Avocado Pack:

Avocado is a vitamin-rich fruit. There is no pair to bring a healthy glow to the skin and hair. Take two egg yolks and mix it well with half of an avocado. Now mix one spoon of honey with it. Put this pack on your head for half an hour. It will do the job of deep conditioning the hair. The hair will be shiny and smooth, the roughness will go away, the thin hair will be thick.

Egg and pickle pack:

Mix tokadai with egg yolk and mix one teaspoon of honey (wish) with it and apply it from the roots to the ends of the hair. Shampoo after half an hour. Dry and damaged hair will disappear instantly and the hair will be moisturized and soft.

Egg yolk massage:

If you don't want to do much, just understand the density of the hair and beat it well with egg yolk and apply it from the tip of the hair to the base. After half an hour you will get silky bright neat hair.

Eggs and lemon juice:

If you want the skin to be bright, free of dead skin and free of open pores at the same time, then take the white part of the egg and mix it with lemon juice and make a foam. Then apply on face for 15 minutes. Wash off whenever you feel tightness on the skin. Try it for a while and the skin problem will be removed like magic.

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