Take care of your skin with some homemade pineapple face masks


Pineapple is a seasonal fruit that is very familiar to us. This fruit is called "Pineapple" for its beauty. This nutritious and delicious fruit contains Vitamin-A, B, C, Calcium and other nutrients. In addition, every 100 grams of pineapple contains 0.6 percent protein, 0.12 grams of easily digestible fat, 0.5 grams of minerals, 13.12 grams of sugar, 0.11 grams of vitamin B-1, 0.04 m. Grams of Vitamin-2, Vitamin-C 47.6 mg, Calcium 16 mg, Phosphorus 0.02 g, Fiber 1.4 g and Iron 1.2 mg.

So much has been said about the nutritional value of pineapple but today I will tell you about some magical face masks for skin care of this delicious and healthy fruit. The enzyme called Bromeliad present in pineapple is very beneficial for our skin which helps in removing dead skin cells, edge spots, fine lines, dirt and sunburn on the skin and makes the skin soft and successful. Even pineapple and pineapple facial masks work well against acne on the skin.

(1) Pineapple and sweet face mask

Fresh pineapple

3 tablespoons olive oil

1 tablespoon organic honey

How to do -

Stir in the amount of pineapple with olive oil and honey until it forms a fine paste to apply on the face. Now apply this fine paste on your clean skin with the help of fingers on the face and neck, leaving out the eye area. Apply the mask and leave it for 15 minutes to relax. After 15 minutes, rinse your face with lukewarm water and then rinse your face again with cold water. Wipe the face well with a dry towel and apply a moisturizer cream. This will keep your skin moist and soft from the inside out.

Benefits -

This mask will enhance the natural glow of your skin as well as keep the skin healthy. This mask will reduce sunburn on the skin.

(2) Papaya, honey and pineapple face mask-

Ripe papaya

Fresh pineapple

Organic honey

How to do -

Blend papaya, pineapple and honey in a blender. When all the ingredients are well mixed, apply this paste on the skin of the face with the help of your fingers. Apply this paste for 5-10 minutes and rest and then wash your face with mild hot water. Finally, clean the skin once more with cold water and wipe the face with a towel and apply moisturizer.

Benefits -

This mask will retain moisture in your skin, increase skin radiance and act as a skin exfoliator.

(3) Egg white part, honey and pineapple face mask-

Fresh pineapple

The white part of an egg

One tablespoon of organic honey

How to do -

Blend the egg whites, honey and pineapple together then apply it all over the face except the eye area of   your skin. After waiting for 20 minutes, first wash your face with lukewarm water and then with cold water.

Benefits -

This is a skin tightening mask. Even the egg ingredients of this mask will help in toning and tightening your skin.

(4) Coconut Milk and Pineapple Mask-

4 pieces fresh pineapple slices

2 tablespoons coconut milk

How to do -

Make a good paste of these two ingredients and apply it on your skin and wait for 15 minutes. Then wipe your face with a soft cloth soaked in hot water and then wash your face with cold water. Wipe the face and apply any moisturizer of your choice.

Benefits -

It will brighten the skin and bring back the beauty of the skin.

Tips -

Before applying any of the above masks, clean the face thoroughly and make sure that there is no cream or lotion on the skin.

It is best to apply these masks if you are lying down while putting the mask on your face and put two pieces of cucumber or wet cotton ball over your eyes.

Always use fresh fruit in the mask and try to eat fresh fruit immediately, not just the fruit mask.

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