Tomatoes can be used to completely eliminate acne

Facial problems can be solved with just one tomato. Here are some tips to help you shine your face ...

Tomatoes are a natural remedy for clear, radiant and acne-free skin without the need for expensive serum or harsh chemicals. Tomato is one of the most delicious vegetables found in all Indian cuisines and is rich in a variety of benefits ranging from keeping us healthy to brightening our skin. Let's take a look at the beneficial benefits of tomato peel, which is an important ingredient in a variety of Indian foods.

Tomato Face Pack

Simply put, tomatoes are a savior for people with oily skin. According to beauty expert Shahnaz Hussain, this fruit has rheumatic properties, which help control the production of excess oil on the skin, thereby taming your acne. Not only that, when you use tomatoes for the skin, you also get the added benefit of skin pores that are free of whiteheads and blackheads and not clogged with dirt.

Now, if you want to know how to use tomatoes to get clear skin, here are the face packs you can make at home with tomatoes.

Rub the tomatoes on the face

If you are looking for an easy way to make the job of skin care easier, there is nothing better than taking a slice of tomato and gently rubbing it on the problem areas of your face. After doing so, leave the tomato juice for an hour to drain into your skin. After that you can wash your face with water and apply moisturizer as usual.

Tomatoes contain citric acid and malic acid, both of which expel dead skin cells, removing dead skin cells and opening up pores. Thus radiant and smooth skin is revealed.

Add yogurt and seaweed to tomato juice

This combination is a variant of the typical face pack with seaweed that we all tried in our teens. The strength of tomatoes, when combined with the lactic acid contained in yogurt, helps to shrink skin pores and regulate oiliness. Seaweed also helps to exfoliate dead skin.

Here's how to make it yourself: Add two tablespoons of tomato pulp, one tablespoon of yogurt and one tablespoon of seaweed to a bowl. Combine all the ingredients together and mix well until well combined. Apply this face pack on clean skin and allow to dry (this will take about 20 to 30 minutes). Afterwards, rub gently with a little water. Do this twice a week for best results.

Also read: Coconut oil with ginger for hair regrowth

Tomatoes and cucumbers can be used together!

It is remedy for acne prone skin. Like tomatoes, cucumbers have rheumatic properties. In addition, they have the added ability to maintain the pH balance of the skin. The combination of the two can help reduce excess oiliness on the skin and prevent acne.

Since these two ingredients are soft, you can put them in a mixer and separate the juice of cucumber and tomato and mix them together, then apply these two or three times a week as a toner and face pack. But apply it on cleansed skin and rinse off after half an hour.


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