If acne appears

If you want to have beautiful skin, you need to control your desire to get rid of acne. This is one of the biggest mistakes you can make in beauty care.
"That pimple! I can't rest until it pops..." What's the first thought that comes to anyone's mind when a pimple appears on their face? It goes without saying that the discomfort caused by acne is not uncommon even for a short time after its appearance. Therefore, sometimes the hands may be drawn towards the face without us knowing. No matter how hard you try, it will become unmanageable.

Acne can have serious psychological consequences, especially for teenagers and friends. Does this sound like a good habit anyway? If you can't control the urge, you're probably more concerned about the side effects that may occur over time. According to experts, getting rid of acne is one of the biggest beauty mistakes you can make.

If acne appears

Acne has serious psychological consequences, especially for  teenagers. Dirt and dust remain in the pores and cause bacterial growth and inflammation. This can lead to skin infections. Acne mainly affects the skin around the pores, making them more sensitive and painful. Acne mainly affects people in the form of pus on the surface of the skin. Acne affects most people in the form of redness, itching, itching, and deep pain.

It is common for everyone to be motivated to get rid of acne as soon as it appears. But it is very important to stay away from this subject with your own will. Dermatologists usually refuse to inject them for any reason. This is because it can cause many cosmetic problems on your face. Here are the main reasons why your acne should never appear:

Increases the number of acne

When you scar a pimple, it's more likely to spread dirt, oil, and bacteria to the surrounding skin. When the bacteria penetrates other areas of the skin through your fingers, it can lead to new acne in the layers of the skin in that area.

Increases the risk of infection: Most people do this under the assumption that by breaking the pimples, the pus in the pimples will be completely removed and there will be no more irritation. But in reality, when you do this, you probably won't get rid of all the pus inside the acne. If even a small amount of this amount remains on the acne scar, it can cause more pain in this area and cause larger acne in the same area.

Scars and cavities are formed on the face

Acne can have serious psychological consequences such as scars and scars on the face. When acne actually appears, it deviates from the natural healing process. This causes permanent scars on your face due to the loss of skin cells in this area. The more acne you have on your face, the more likely you are to develop a scar on your face. If the acne habit is not stopped in the first place, it can lead to more pimples on your face.

May cause hyperpigmentation problems. Hyperpigmentation is one of the most common side effects that can occur as a result of acne breakouts. This can result in discoloration of only one part of the skin. If hyperpigmentation is present, it may take months or years to fade.

Life expectancy of acne

If you have a pimple on your face, remember that it only lasts for 3-7 days. If you are not prepared to stimulate it in any way, it will disappear by itself. So, give it time to heal itself without irritating it. If the acne appears unknowingly by your hand, be sure to clean the area with an antibacterial face wash. Also, use any cream recommended by a dermatologist.

Also, every time you have acne, you need to get rid of it


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