What is a cold?

Cold is a very familiar disease to us. The common cold virus is one of the most common diseases in humans. Older people are infected with the cold virus 2 to 3 times a year and children 6 to 12 times a year. Winter actually increases its incidence a lot.


Symptoms: Sore throat, runny nose, runny nose, fever. Fields especially headaches, muscle aches, loss of appetite etc.
Duration is seven to ten days. Fields can typically last as long as three weeks.

How the infection occurs:

There are more than 200 viruses that are responsible for cold-like infections, one of which is the rhinovirus. Rhinovirus is responsible for more than 50% of cold infections. These cold virus particles accumulate inside our nose from contaminated fingers or polluted air. A very small number of virus particles (1-30) are sufficient for infection. The virus particles then enter the adenoid area inside the nose on their own.

The virus particles attach to the receptor (ICAM 1) located on the surface of the nasal cells. This receptor virus attaches to a part of the surface called the docking port.

Once attached to the receptor, the virus begins to infect a cell. Infected cells then begin to produce new virus particles. Then the infected cells die. Thus the virus infects new cells and new virus particles are produced. This process continues and as a result we get colds.

The way it spreads

The cold is contagious. If a person with a cold has a touch, or if his or her belongings are not sterile, it can easily spread to nearby people. For example, clothes, dishes, towels, even the keyboard of a phone or laptop. Even if a person with a cold does not use a handkerchief to cough or sneeze, the virus can spread through the air. Then one can get infected by breathing in that air.

Ways to get rid of cold

We can easily get rid of colds if we take some precautions. Some of these are written below:

-> Stay at least three feet away from a person coughing or sneezing. This is because the cough germs can easily be transmitted through your eyes or nose.

-> Keep hands clean at all times. This is because the cold germs that come out with sneezing or coughing can stick to any object. It can be transmitted through touch.

-> Drink enough water. Drinking enough water (at least eight glasses daily) keeps the body clean and helps in expelling germs from the body.

-> Do not rub your nose or eyes frequently with your fingers.

-> Do walking or gentle exercise while not lying in bed.

-> Get enough sleep at night.

-> Eat low fat chicken soup. This is because hot chicken soup provides protein, vitamins and minerals to help the body fight the germs of the cold.

 What to do if you have a cold

What you can do as primary or home treatment:

Kusum Kusum can be rinsed by mixing salt in hot water. It will give you a feeling of comfort in everything from cold sore throat.
You can eat ginger tea before going to bed. It will greatly reduce the feeling of coughing with your cold.
You can take water vapor by heating some water in the oven. This will reduce the feeling of closing the nose a bit. It will take some comfort to breathe.
Kusum can take a bath in hot water. And of course, after the bath, make sure that the hair dries well. This will keep your body as clean as possible.
In most cases, the cold goes away in 3 to 7 days. However, if you do not feel any problem or feel better after that, consult a registered doctor immediately and take medicine if necessary.

Stay well, stay healthy. Thanks everyone.

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