Diwali - Lighting of the heart

Sadguru is explaining the significance of Diwali, the festival of light, and explaining how we can celebrate this festival in a wonderful way.


Sadguru: Diwali is celebrated for various cultural reasons but historically it was called Narakachaturdashi because Krishna killed a cruel king named Narakasur. That is why this celebration gets such a big size. This festival is sacred in many ways. On this day, it is said that the arrival of Lakshmi will happen if anyone needs money. If one wants health, energy will come. If anyone wants education, Saraswati will come. These are all different expressions of folklore to say that this festival brings good.

The creation of light in the heart

Diwali is the festival of light. On the day of Diwali, you will see every place in every moose ball, town and village lit by the light of thousands of lamps. But the festival is not just about lighting the lamp outside - a light must be born inside. Light means clarity. Without clarity, whatever you have will become an obstacle, not a gift, because self-confidence without clarity means disaster. And today, a lot of work is done in the world without transparent concepts.

One day, a newly hired policeman was driving through a town for the first time with his experienced colleague. They got a news on the radio that a group of people were roaming the streets and they had to be evacuated. They drove to the road and saw a group of people standing at the corner. As the car approached, the new policeman enthusiastically lowered his car window and said, "Hey, all of you. Get out of that corner! I told you to move from that corner!" They all scattered. Then, satisfied with his first official job being so influential on people, he looked at his experienced partner and asked, "Did I do well?"

Without the proper transparent concept, whatever you try to do will be devastating. Light brings clarity to your vision - not just body shape. How clearly you see life and feel everything around you determines how realistically you spend your life. Diwali is the day when light is born by defeating darkness. It is also applicable to human life. Just as black clouds float in the dark sky, they do not realize that they are covering the sun, in the same way a person does not have to seek light from anywhere else. If he just removes those black clouds that have been allowed to accumulate inside him, then the light will return. This festival of light reminds us of that.

Life is a festival

In Indian culture, there was a time when there was one festival every day of the year - 365 festivals a year. The idea was to turn our whole life into a festival. Today there may be only thirty or forty festivals left. We can't celebrate them just because we have to go to the office or do something else every day. So people are usually celebrating only eight or ten festivals a year. If we leave it like this, the next generation will have no festival They don't know what festival is. They will only earn and eat, they will earn and eat - they will just do it again and again. For many people, this has already happened. A festival means you’ve got a holiday and you don’t wake up before noon. Then you just eat more, go to the movies or watch TV at home. And only if they take any stimulant from outside, then they will dance a little bit. Otherwise they will not sing or dance. It has never been like this before. A festival meant that the whole city would gather in one place and there would be a very big ceremony. A festival meant we would wake up at four in the morning and very actively, a lot of things would happen all over the house.celebrates four important festivals to bring that culture back to the people: Pongal or Capricorn Sankranti, Mahashivaratri, Navratri and Diwali.

Not serious but absolutely employed

If you think about celebrating everything, you will learn not to be serious about life but to be fully engaged. Now the problem for most people is that if they think something is important, they become very serious about it. If they don't think it's important, they're lax about it - don't show proper devotion. When someone says, “His condition is very serious,” it means his next destination is where you know. Lots of people in very serious condition. The only thing that will happen to them is that there is no greatness. Everything else will pass them by because they can't pay attention to anything they don't think is important. That is the whole problem This is the way to know the secret of life - not taking everything seriously but absolute employment - like a game. That is because the highest things in life are to go with the mind of celebration, so that you do not misunderstand the whole thing.

Deepavali means to bring that festiveness into your life - that's why fireworks, to light a little fire in you! So the purpose of this one day is not just to have fun and leave. It seems like this happens to us every day. Even if we just sit there, our vital energy, heart, mind and body should explode like a living bet. If you're a drummer, you'll need a bet from outside every day.

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