How often and how to train?

Find out the answer to this popular question asked by both beginners and advanced fitness enthusiasts

How often and how to train?

"How many days get the best results?
every trainee starts asking question sooner or later.
But there is no single answer. How often we train depends on several factors:

*our goal *losing weight, increasing endurance or strength, or just for good shape and tone*???

* What is our level (beginner, advanced, expert)?
* What is the time we have?
* What are our specific goals (shaping a sexy ass, sculpted shoulders and thighs, impressive biceps, etc.)?

How often should we train to lose weight?

The answer to this question depends on how fast a person wants to see results. The main recommendation is to lose no more than 0.5 - 1 kg. per week. However, many people prefer intensive weight loss programs.

Read more: How the fitness club helps us lose weight permanently and effectively in 4 easy steps

However, the first step to shaping your dream body begins with burning more calories than you take in. Diet alone can be effective, but it always proves to be an extremely unstable method of weight loss. Training is necessary for faster and longer weight loss. Their loss depends on the time spent exercising and on proper diet.

For faster results and long-term progress, it is necessary to do at least 2-3 workouts a week for beginners and 4-5 workouts for advanced. Training should include a combination of:

* Cardio

* Strength training

* Stretching

Cardio exercises for weight loss

We recommend one of two approaches:

* 30 minutes of moderate intensity cardio, at least 5 days a week (150 minutes a week)

* At least 25 minutes of aerobics, 3 days a week (75 minutes a week)

Strength training for weight loss

You need 2 to 3 workouts a week. Exercises are performed for the whole body, which load several muscle groups simultaneously. Similar exercises are:

* Squats with shoulder press

* Dead lift

* Side-lift attacks

* Push-ups and plank on one arm

Other key exercises that can be included in strength training are push-ups, bench presses, shoulder presses, push-ups and dumbbell rowing.

Read more: The best dumbbell exercises for every part of the body

In order to achieve the maximum effect in losing weight, it is necessary to follow a few rules:

* Training should be of different intensity - includes both circular and medium intensity exercises

* To have rotation of cardio exercises during the week - running on a treadmill, turning an ergometer, swimming

* To optimize calorie burning, a weight training circuit is performed. It includes a series of exercises performed one after the other without a break. At the end of each series, a short rest (30 to 60 seconds) is usually made and the series is repeated two or three more times.

* You need at least two days off during the week

How often should we train to gain muscle mass?

Finding a balance between cardio and strength training is a key part of gaining muscle mass. On the one hand, too much overload can lead to loss of already accumulated muscle mass, and on the other - if the intensity does not increase over time, the results will be minimal.

Cardio workout for gaining muscle mass

You need two to three short, high-intensity cardio workouts a week, such as a 25-minute circuit workout.1

Read more: HIIT or interval cardio: what is it, how is it done and what are the benefits?

Strength training to build muscle mass

Do at least 3 workouts a week to maximize muscle mass gain. The number and type of workouts is determined by the advanced level of the trainee.

Sample plan for strength training

* Degree of preparation

* Number of workouts


* 2 to 3 days strength training (for the whole body)


* 3 to 4 days strength training (split for individual muscle groups or for upper / lower body)


* 4 to 5 days of strength training (three consecutive days of training, followed by one day of rest)

Read more: How to gain muscle mass?

Sample program for 4 training days

Day Part of the body


* Upper part


* bottom part


* Rest or cardio


* Upper part


* bottom part


* Rest or cardio


* Rest or cardio

How often should we train for good physical shape and tone?

In recent years, there has been a trend of immobilization in a large part of the population. To combat this problem, we can start with small steps - one or two visits to the fitness club per week. This will not give quick and visible results on the figure, but will certainly improve the work of the heart, mobility and even posture.

Read more: Why do we have to run every day and what do we gain if we do?

The most effective exercises in this case (at least for the first 3-4 months) are circuit training, because they load the whole body. This helps to move the body, burn calories and improve metabolism.

People with limited free time to visit the gym can spend only 10-15 minutes a day for training, but it is desirable that this happens at least 5-6 days a week. These workouts tone and tighten the body, and in combination with a proper diet can even help to lose weight.

An example of a 10-minute circuit workout suitable for performance at any time and place is:

* Jump "star" - 1 minute

* Push-ups - 1 minute

* Squats - 1 minute

* The three exercises form a circle. 

Read more: Circuit training - what is it and what is it useful for?

Cardio and strength training, at least 3-4 times a week, play an important role in losing weight and gaining muscle mass. On the other hand, people who simply aim to move around and stay in good shape can only spend a few minutes a day.

Each trainer can find the balance according to their individual goals, the desire for faster results and the time they can spend on training. After all, more important than how often we train is perseverance and dedication. They give the best results.


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