Traps to discover if your partner is unfaithful to you

If a marriage or couple is not working, the best thing is to cut to the chase no matter how old you are. There is no use prolonging a pain that does no one any good. Being unfaithful in a marriage is associated with a loss of trust on the part of those around you, a loss that is sometimes impossible to recover.

As much as you are the unfaithful or if you think your partner is being unfaithful Next we show you a series of traps with which you can discover or you can discover if your partner has gone a step further without having cut off the relationship before.

The first thing to keep in mind is that Lies have very short legs. As the saying goes, a liar is caught sooner than a crippled man. By this I mean that creating a lie means that you can maintain it over time and always know what we said to always maintain it, because any contradiction can raise the first suspicion's.


1 - You have changed the unlock code of your smartphone

2 - He/she gets nervous when you pick up his/her mobile phone

3 - Talk to friends

4 - Don't want anything with you

5 - Has changed routine

6 - Pretend you know everything

7 - Find the dating apps

8 - He walks away from you to answer calls or messages

1 - You have changed the unlock code of your smartphone

If you've been together for a few years, it's likely that you both know the unlock code for your phones. The reason for this knowledge is not to browse inside, but so that you can use it on occasions where we can't for any reason, also because we are cooking, we have dirty hands, we want you to take a picture with our mobile, to reply to a friend, to see an email...

A based relationship is on mutual trust. If this starts to disappear, the first thing that those involved in change access code to your mobile device to prevent it from crawling inside.

If it is your partner who has changed the unlocking code of his smartphone, it is an unequivocal symptom that something is not working, that trust has been lost and that he is hiding something in him that he does not want you to see.

2 - He/she gets nervous when you pick up his/her cell phone

If he becomes nervous or restless when you pick up his phone, even just to move it without intending to access it, you can understand us that you are afraid that you will get access to your content, as long as you do not take the previous step have performed by changing the unlock code.

3 - Talk to friends

Generally no one goes out alone to have a drink and much less if you are in a couple. If she has started dating just with the excuse of meeting her friends, you should talk to one of them to confirm her story.

If, in addition, that friend has a partner, You must also talk to her to confirm the story. Of course, tell him not to say anything to his partner.

If it finally does, it is likely that you will see a change in the behavior of your partner, a change that can be motivated by several reasons and not only because he is really unfaithful, but because he has realized that he leaves you aside.

4 - Don't want anything with you

Another reason that we must take into account when we start to think whether our partner is unfaithful is inviting him to bed. If he refuses on meaningless excuses, we should start to consider that something is wrong and that our partner has probably sought comfort elsewhere.

5 - Has changed routine

If you ​​check how your partner's daily routine has changed outside of work and he hardly stops at home without asking you or does it very sporadically, you should check if it really goes where it says that it goes

The easiest method is to follow and control it. Another method is to track your mobile phone, although to do so it is necessary to have the username and password of the device (mobile phones cannot be tracked by triangulating the mobile phone masts as we see in the movies without a court order) .

6 - Pretend you know everything

A method that never fails when it comes to discovering an infidelity is to pretend we know what is going on. If we change our way of being with our partner overnight, if they have nothing to hide, they will ask us what is wrong with us.

If not, it is likely that, with the passage of days, or weeks, he will give up completely, turn his arm and confess to us that he has been unfaithful to another person. It is also likely that he will disappear from our house at night with all his things and without giving us an explanation.

7 - Search the dating apps

If the relationship has not worked for a long time, but you continue to live together by routine Without maintaining a relationship beyond good morning or good night, it is more than likely that one or another component of the couple tried to meet new people through applications such as Tinder, Bade, Emetic...

Carrying out a search for this type of application, through the various filters it includes, will be able to quickly find us if our partner is on the market looking for a new partner or is only looking outside the partner for what he does not find in it.

To be able to search, you have to pay a monthly subscription. Otherwise, the number of available search options is reduced to almost zero.

8 - He walks away from you to answer calls or messages

If you are with your partner and suddenly, if he receives a call or a message, he gets up and goes away to answer If he was afraid that you will see his mobile screen or hear what the other person is saying, you should start asking yourself that there is something not working in ur relationship.

If you come back to us after answering the call or message, we have to ask who he was. If he answers us with a nonsense of the type, it was nobody, they were wrong, he was a relative, we must answer that he wanted to get rid of doubts and see if he can confirm his story.

If it takes time, it is to answer It is because he does not have an excuse that is ready to give you and something starts to smell bad in the relationship. If he always acts the same since you met, then it shouldn't be a problem at first because it's a habit that some people have.

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