Smoking Effects On Your Body

Cigarette smoking can damage all our organs. It also exposes to various diseases. In general, smoking is very harmful to our health. Not being angry can save us from anger-related diseases and prolong our life.

Smoking a cigarette:

• Increases the risk of coronary artery disease or sudden cardiac arrest two to four times.

• Increases the risk of Stroke (stroke/ blockage of blood vessels in the brain) two to four times.

• Increases the risk of Lung Cancer by twenty-five times.

• It can cause blood vessels to narrow and tighten, causing heart rate and blood pressure to rise. It also increases the risk of blood clots in the arteries. This increases the risk of blood clots in the brain and legs.

• It can also cause asthma to flare up and if it does, it can make the disease worse.

• Lung disease- Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) increases the risk of developing and dying from the disease twelve to thirteen times.

• Those who smoke have a 30-40% increased risk of developing Type-II DM compared to non-smokers.

Smoking cigarettes:

– Bladder Cancer

– Leukemia

– Cervical Cancer

– Cancer of the colon

– Cancer of the esophagus (Esophagus)

– Liver Cancer

– Kidney Cancer

– Cancers inside the body from our mouth and throat

– X-ray Cancer

– For Liver Cancer

– Significantly increases the incidence of airway cancer and mortality from these cancers.

Smoking cigarettes:

– How long it takes for a woman to get pregnant and if she gets pregnant:-

– Premature labor and premature birth

– That she gives birth to a child who is not alive

– Chance of sudden neonatal death

– Risk of miscarriage and

– Increases the risk of ectopic pregnancy.

 –Smoking also affects bone strength and the health of our teeth and gums.

– weakens body's immune system.

– Increases the risk of exposure to the eyelids. It can also cause serious damage to the “Retina” of our eyes.

Stop or stop smoking:

• Significantly reduces the risk of sudden heart attack and cardiovascular disease during the first year of cessation.

• Within 2-5 years of interrupting/ stopping irritability, the risk of “Stroke” (blockage of blood vessels in the brain) returns to equality with non-irritating.

• Within Five years of quitting/ quitting smoking, the risk of Bladder Cancer, Cancer of the internal organs from the mouth and Cancer of the esophagus is halved

• If we stop smoking for ten years, it halves the risk of developing Lung cancer.

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