Good calories. What is good and what is bad for our body?

Good calories for what is good and bad for our body.

The energy value is expressed in kilocalories, very often we commonly call kilocalories calories. Kilocalories are used to determine the amount of energy that will be provided to the body by eating a given food. Unfortunately, not all calories are healthy for our body, so it is easier to remember what is good and what is bad, kilocalories can be divided into two groups - one group is the so-called good calories, the second group is the so-called bad calories, also often referred to as empty.

Good calories.

Good calories are usually only associated with vegetables and fruits. However, this is not true. We can find good calories in many food products. Good calories are products that, in addition to energy, provide our body with minerals and vitamins, and do not increase body fat. It is also important to remember that also in eating the so-called good calories should be kept in moderation, e.g. whole grain bread or pumpkin seed oil is a healthy product, although if consumed in too large amounts, it will also cause disorders, for example weight gain.

Whole meal bread, unlike wheat bread, is baked from raw flour. Wheat flour is devoid of nutrients such as minerals, vitamins and dietary fiber. The main ingredient in wheat flour is starch - that is, sugar. By eating whole meal bread, we protect our body against many unpleasant diseases, such as obesity, atherosclerosis, and intestinal diseases. Wheat flour slows down the work of the intestines, does not clean them, and has a very negative effect on the digestive system. Wheat flour products are recommended for people on an easily digestible diet who do not tolerate products made of uncleansed whole grain.

Crude flour contains many vitamins, mainly B vitamins. These vitamins greatly strengthen the nervous system and play an important role in the production of gray brain cells.

Whole meal bread is characterized by a high content of ballast substances. These substances stimulate intestinal peristalsis and prevent defecation problems. Food rich in ballast substances gives you a feeling of fullness and helps to maintain an appropriate level of cholesterol and sugar in the blood. This is a very important property that helps in shedding unnecessary kilograms and maintaining a slim figure. In addition, ballast substances cleanse the intestines, which is also reflected in the strengthening of the immune system and the prevention of cancer.

How to distinguish "cheat" bread from real whole meal bread:

- buy bread in real bakeries, avoid bread bought in supermarkets,

- do not buy bread that contains acidifier (E322, E330) and other additional substances,

- good bread should not be light, "puffed up", but rather heavy and slightly wet,

- adulterated bread has a uniform color, its taste is sweetish or salty, it crumbles very easily, it is hard to cut, it is difficult to butter it, because holes are formed; it is worth remembering that real whole meal bread does not have a uniform color,

- avoid bread packed in plastic bags with a long shelf life, it contains 100% preservatives,

- the price is also a determinant of quality, the price of a real, healthy, whole meal loaf is about PLN 4 - 6, whole meal bread, which costs about PLN 3, is definitely not a natural bread, without preservatives, leavening agents and enhancers,

- the ingredients of real whole meal bread are: flour, leaven, salt + possible addition of grains,

Millet grouts - it is the only one among grouts that is alkaline, which is very beneficial because the daily diet usually contains many acid-forming products. Millet enriches the daily diet with B vitamins, minerals: calcium, phosphorus, potassium, iron. Millet contains valuable lecithin, which improves memory and reduces the so-called bad LDL cholesterol. Consuming millet is especially beneficial for the lower and upper respiratory tract, because it removes excess moisture from the body or mucus. Millet porridge can be an addition to dinners, as well as a basis for breakfast.

Buckwheat - is rich in protein and minerals such as: magnesium, zinc, potassium, phosphorus, manganese, calcium. It is a valuable source of folic acid, B vitamins and vitamin PP. This type of groats does not contain protein - gluten, so it is a recommended component of a gluten-free diet.

Barley groats are rich in β-glucan - soluble fiber, β-glucan has a positive effect on reducing the concentration of the so-called bad LDL cholesterol. Fiber has a very positive effect on the intestinal mucosa and is very effective in constipation.

Barley groats are rich in antioxidants that have anti-cancer, anti-allergic and antiviral properties.

Fine barley groats can be used in an easily digestible diet. Barley groats are a frequent product recommended in a diet aimed at weight loss, if there are no indications, i.e. people who have no problems with the digestive system can introduce thick types of groats, e.g. pearl barley.

Brown rice - provides easily digestible protein, B vitamins, mainly vitamin B1, also contains zinc and iron. Unlike white rice, brown rice contains complex forms of carbohydrates, after consumption of brown rice, the pancreas function is not disturbed at the level of insulin secretion. Brown rice is recommended in the diet of diabetics and in the diet of people who want to reduce their body weight.

Oat groats - we are more familiar with oatmeal than oat groats. Oat groats are made from oat grains. Due to the lower technological processing, it is richer in fiber and minerals. Oat groats are a very good source of β-glucan - a soluble fiber. Foods rich in fiber make us feel satiated faster.

Fish - Fish are products that are undoubtedly good calories. Fish is a valuable source for omega 3 fatty acids.

Omega 3 fatty acids:

- have an anti-inflammatory effect,

- play an important role in the development of the brain and the central nervous system,

- support the heart and circulatory system. They have a very positive effect on the increase of HDL cholesterol - the so-called "Good cholesterol" and lower levels of "bad cholesterol" LDL and triglycerides. Through their action, they protect the arteries against atherosclerosis, ischemic heart disease.

- are involved in the production of serotonin, the so-called the happiness hormone, which has an antidepressant effect,

- they have a very important influence on the appearance of skin, hair and nails. By consuming omega-3 fatty acids, the skin is elastic, properly hydrated, nails and hair are strengthened.

Vegetables - we know that vegetables are a healthy product from an early age, but unfortunately vegetables are not a food product that is always present on the plates of an average Pole.

You should eat 4 servings of vegetables a day, unfortunately, vegetables often appear only once a day or not at all. It is also worth noting that it is important to supply fresh vegetables, because they contain the most vitamins and minerals. Vegetables also have an alkalizing or DE acidifying effect on our body. People who eat a diet low in fruit and vegetables often experience acidification symptoms, such as:

- general body fatigue

- joint pain, joint inflammation

- headaches

- unhealthy appearance of skin, hair and nails

- decreased immunity of the body

- acceleration of aging processes

- problems with concentration

- reduced fertility and sexual drive

- sudden changes in mood

Vegetables are low-calorie products, so you can eat them in larger quantities, they are a great complement to meals such as sandwiches or a lunch meal. People who eat vegetables in greater quantities eat less high-calorie foods.

Fruit is also very healthy, but remember that it also contains sugar. Obviously, this is a healthier sugar than sweet sugar because it is not processed. Despite the fact that the fruit belongs to the so-called good calories, we should eat them in moderation. Too much fruit is not recommended for diabetics or people who want to lose weight.

Fruit should not be eaten in the evening because they contain sugar, which can turn into fat tissue and cause gas and gas.

An example of fruits that are not only tasty, but can support the body's work:

Strawberries - they are a vitamin C bomb, they contain a lot of potassium. They reduce acidification of the body and are recommended for people suffering from gout.

Raspberries - have a calming effect, are a treasury of vitamins C and E, which are strong antioxidants that prevent the destruction of the body by free radicals.

Cherries - they contain a lot of potassium, which helps remove excess salt, reduces swelling, and improves kidney function. It contains vitamin A which improves the appearance of the skin. Cherries are recommended for swollen, aching joints.

Plums - accelerate the metabolism. They contain a lot of B vitamins, which soothes the nervous system.

Peach - contains a lot of calcium, magnesium and iron, it is recommended for people suffering from anemia, pregnant women and vegetarians. Peaches are diuretic and aid digestion.

Apricots - the wealth of beta-carotene, potassium and vitamins B6, apricots have a positive effect on hematopoietic processes.

Unfortunately, in addition to good calories, there are also bad ones, the so-called empty calories.

Empty calories are those that do not provide the body with nutritional value, i.e. vitamins and minerals, and in return provide a lot of calories. As a rule, they are high in fat and simple sugars. By consuming this type of product on a daily basis, we expose our body to many disorders, including disorders in the lipid profile, increase in unfavorable fractions of LDL cholesterol or triglycerides, which can lead to atherosclerosis and thus to ischemic heart disease. By eating bad calories, we put our liver at risk to a large extent, very often the first symptom of disorders is fatty liver and elevated liver enzymes ALAT - Alanine aminotransferase, AspaT - Aspartic aminotransferase. Unfortunately, eating foods rich in simple sugars increases the risk of developing type II diabetes.

Empty calories come from:

* Sweets: e.g. bars, cookies, chocolate, candies

* Alcohol

* Salty snacks - chips, sticks, crackers

* Fast food

* Sweetened and carbonated drinks, energy

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