Looks of love: how to identify them

The eyes are part of the sense of sight and they make our means of body language to express what we feel. Although it may seem unbelievable, our eyes show signs that make it clear if our gaze they can be passionate How to identify them?

These types of looks we have detailed are some of the ideas gathered by science. If they happen to be the kind of look you want to discover, if you like that boy or girl, you know you can use them on themselves too.

Looks of love, how can I identify them?

A person can fall in love with another person, and yet it will show in that persistent look, He will look you directly in the eyes when he talks to you. It is true that passion itself often plays a trick, and perhaps on some occasions shyness hides our face. But if you pay attention, that look will return, even if the shyness has taken over the situation, or some interesting external subject, he eventually cannot lose that direct eye contact.

Have you ever noticed when a look sends light through? Well, that is that unmistakable look, the one that conveys interest, has brightness, energy, when the pupils dilate. Well, that's the kind of look that seems to give when someone loves with the heart.

What other types of looks are there?

There are other types of looks that can clarify those moments of passion or interest. We analyze how it is when you look to the side, when it is deep or when you look away.

Between some kind of conversation you can see when that look wants to express that moment: If you move your eyes to the right it is because he is imagining something or telling a lie.

If his eyes go up when he talks, it's because he's trying to remember something or even pay attention to what they're saying.

When that look falls It is when you try to get closer to the inner emotions, recreate those feelings and it seems that he is excited or excited with your presence. See if it goes back to put the image in front and stare at you because then he doesn't miss a single detail about you and wants to listen to you.

If that person has half-closed eyes, it is because it can trigger that she is upset with something or someone, she may have an upset. If it is constantly blinking and he does not fix his gaze, it could be that he is restless or that he is hiding something, although there are cases where he may blink a lot because he is trying to hide that he is in love.

subjective looks

You need to analyze other types of gestures to be able to interpret that appearance. When he looks at you and smiles Look at the kind of smile he has. If his cheeks rise and the corners of his eyes crinkle, it is because that person is excited by your presence and his feelings are true.

There are more details, for example, when that person looks you up and down it is because he shows a lot of interest in you, analyzes you and can mean an invasive and uncomfortable look. However, when he continuously looks you in the eyes and seems to dominate you, it is like that person is very confident, they always have high self-esteem.

If you want to start a romance

Yes that gaze is penetrating and laden with security, it is when we can observe from the other side how interesting that person is. It is like we will also show what kind of appearance we interpret because really we love that strength and vitality.

It can also happen that the person cannot stare, but he does it in bursts, for instants or fractions of a second. If your look is not relaxed, but rather disturbing, he looks a little more than a second and then he moves away, it is because there is some kind of feeling of love.

If he looks at you for a little less than a second and then looks away, it can only mean that you are interested. However, watch carefully when that beautiful smile accompanies him, because it means something more important.

If you want to flirt with your eyes

If you are tempted, looks can improve that gift that you have hidden. Don't lose a detail in your temptation and always try to stare when you talk to that person you like.

But do it relaxed, it doesn't look like you are invading your space or want to bother. 

if you're a man try not to look at a woman's breasts, that's not to your liking. If you want to see, do it discreetly and try to talk more face to face and make eye contact. Even for both sexes, provocative looks are not comfortable, which can leave when there is more confidence.

But, the communicative power between people must evolve, we must try to get to know each other personally and not lose something that we must learn from others: non-verbal language.

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