Positive parenting to correct misbehavior in young children

Positive discipline specifically aims to engage children in a respectful manner and encourages parents to remember that children are capable of improvement despite misbehavior. Young children are interested in pushing boundaries.

Connecting with your child before making any corrections is a sure way to improve behavior. 

Any time your child crosses a boundary, breaks a rule, or breaks a bottle of shampoo, try to slow down first before correcting the behavior. Create a deliberate moment of connection. A time when you can confidently provide security and understanding to your child.

Step into your child's world. Look past the naughty mess and see the learning and discoveries that take place. Remind him that you are his ally, that you are on his side. Even when you say no or complain about their behavior.

Of course, it's not always easy to stay calm and pretend that all the food spilled on the floor doesn't matter. The point is that your child really needs your safe and calm guidance when he makes mistakes. Having realistic expectations about childhood behaviors can help you make positive and connected discipline decisions.

These early interactions are important because how you choose to discipline shapes your child. The times when discipline is required are actually some of the most important moments in parenting, times when we have the opportunity to shape our children more strongly.

Connecting before you make corrections helps kids trust you. It helps you to really see your child. Really see your child, in that moment and what they need. Connecting allows you to create a meaningful moment to listen, validate and acknowledge your child. Follow these tips to get it:

Calm your own expectations or fears (remember that your child is imperfect like you)

Look at the things your child's point of view

1. listen to what he has to say

2. Focus on solutions and possibilities

3. Use a light physical touch to connect

4. Speak kindly and clearly

5. Maintain eye contact and lower to your child's level

6. Always offer corrections with respect

7. Discipline that comes from a place of love and care teaches. When you speak to your children heart & mind at the same time. This is powerful. That is discipline. That is the sure way to better behavior.

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