Tips for living a balanced and happy life

You dream of a balanced and happy life, but you don't get this life easily, so today we have summarized for you one of the most beautiful books written about ways to organize and live life, to give it to you to offer in the form of short advice, to be good for what is described below." Father Yohanna Saad, and it is one of the best books that describes the ways of reconciling a person with himself, his way of life and his available circumstances.

1- *Sit* still for 10 minutes a day.

2- * Allocate* 7 hours of sleep per day.

3- *Twist* 10 to 30 minutes of your time to walk smiling.

4- Live your life with three things: (energy + optimism + passion).

5- I thank God in all cases and do not complain.

6- *Read more books* than I read in the past year.

7- *Wide* time for spiritual nourishment.

8- *Spend some time* with people over the age of 70

Others are less than 6 years old.

9- *dream more* while you are awake.

10- *More* than eating natural food and be less on canned food.

11- * Drink * large amounts of water.

12- * Make * 3 people laugh daily.

13- * Don't waste * your precious time on something useless.

14- * Forget the problems * and do not remind others of mistakes that are past, because they will insult the present moments.

15- *Don't* let negative thoughts control you and save your energy for positive things. Be positive all the time.

16- *Know* that life is a school and that you are a student there. And the problems r mathematical challenges & problems that can be solved intelligently.

17 * All your breakfast is like a king, your lunch is like a prince, and your dinner is like a poor man. That is, your breakfast is the most important meal, do not weigh it in the afternoon, and reduce as much as you can at dinner.

18- *smile* and laugh more.

19- *Life is too short. Don't spend it hating others.

20- *Don't take everything seriously. Be smooth and rational.

21- It's't necesary 2 win all discusions & arguments.

22- *Forget* the past with its negatives, because it won't come back and won't even spoil your future.

23- * Do not compare * your life with others.

24- The only person responsible for your happiness is (you).

25- *Forgive* everyone without exception, no matter how badly they wronged you.

26- *What others think about you that has nothing to do with you.

27- *Love God* with all your heart and your neighbor as yourself.

28- * whatever * the situation (good or bad), trust that it will change.

29- Your work will not take care of you at the time of your illness, but your family and loved ones. So, take care of them.

30- *- No matter how you feel, do not weaken, but get up and go.

31- *try* to always do the right thing.

32- *Call your parents* ... and your family, relatives and friends always.

33- * Be optimistic * and happy.

34 *Give something special and good to others every day.

35- *Keep your boundaries* and remember the freedoms of others.

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