Choose your favorite color and analyze your personality

White or Black?

If a person likes white, it means that he likes order, that is having everything in its place, and also that he is wise, elegant, of good taste, and prefers comfort and order.

There are those who consider white people to be peaceful, perhaps a little naive, or have high expectations for themselves and others.

As for black, it has many meanings, according to the study. There are those who say that the lover of the master of colors means that he longs for power and control in life, and often has artistic tendencies.

It is also said that his lovers prefer not to share much with others but prefer privacy and have a strong personality.

red and its derivatives

Those who love red are open, assertive and lively, prone to impulsiveness and mood swings.

It was said that he talks a lot, likes to joke and have fun with others, has positive energy and makes people feel comfortable when they are near and around you.

While pink indicates that the one who loves him opens the door to his partner unconditionally, and he is loved by others and does not like seriousness, but looks at life with a pink lens.

While orange often represents creativity, happiness, freedom, success, and balance that combines everything, its lovers enjoy being around other people and socializing, and they are cheerful and do not know the sullenness.

They also love the limelight and steal people's attention, they always have ideas and solutions no matter what the problems are.

As for yellow, they love fun, have a good mood, are educated and intelligent, and have a vivid imagination.

What if your favorite color is purple?

It means that you experience true perfection, where emotions play a big role in your life, and emotional security has a place in your heart.

Violet's lover loves people, and is affectionate and a good friend who is always available when someone needs help.

He is very intelligent, perfectionist and has the ability to see things that others cannot notice because he is obsessed with detail and knows exactly the little things that they like.

The study added that lovers of this color are unique and know this, and work towards more distinction.

How about green and blue?
If green is your color of choice, you are very practical, humble and peaceful, open and touching, do not like to lie and always tell the truth regardless of the consequences afterwards, and you also feel deep love for your family.

As for blue, it is the color of sensitive and honest people, who value friendship and friends, and are committed to the utmost.

Gray, as others criticize, are simple and imaginative, are very careful and leave their wishes in the background.

So as you read.. which character are you? .. know it from your favorite color.

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